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  • [udig-devel] Re: [Geotools-devel] Converting to, (continued)
  • Re: [udig-devel] June 12th IRC Meeting - GPS, Adrian Custer
  • [udig-devel] II Open Source GIS Users Meeting in Girona (Spain), March 2008 (dates correction), Lluís Vicens
  • [udig-devel] addLayersToMap, James Anderson
  • [udig-devel] Diplicated layers in the map, Vitali Diatchkov
  • [udig-devel] Supporting custom file types in uDig, Wellmann, Harald
  • [udig-devel] AddLayerCommand, James Anderson
  • [udig-devel] [jira] Created: (UDIG-1270) wms GetFeatureInfo request should include STYLES parameter, Tore Halset (JIRA)
  • [udig-devel] Coloring polygons, Peter Bange
  • [udig-devel] ParkInfo extensions to UDig - access to svn?, Cameron Shorter
  • [udig-devel] GDF editing, BOUHMADI
  • [udig-devel] PostGIS data rendering?, Samuel Doyle
  • [udig-devel] org.eclipse.ui.actionSets, James Anderson
  • [udig-devel] Help with adding layers, James Anderson
  • [udig-devel] Quick notes from review of database connection patch, Jody Garnett
  • [udig-devel] Re: [Gvsig_english] udig, Cory Horner
  • Re: [udig-devel] where are native libs held?, Andrea Antonello
  • [udig-devel] Adding layers, James Anderson
  • [udig-devel] [jira] Created: (UDIG-1269) Listeners hell in EditBlackboardUtil, Vitali Diatchkov (JIRA)
  • [udig-devel] Editint tools: who is using them?, Vitali Diatchkov
  • [udig-devel] adding a layer from the memory store in rc10, Adrian Custer
  • [no subject], riccardo.rigon
  • [udig-devel] Custom Create Project tool, Gus MacAulay
  • [udig-devel] gdiplus bibliothec, K . S . _85
  • [udig-devel] Plugging uDig into other applications, James Anderson
  • [udig-devel] question to boundingbox handling and to internal exceptions, tony . roth
  • [udig-devel] Style Editor Theme Question, Samuel Doyle
  • [udig-devel] What glyph is this? Hi Moovida, Jody Garnett
  • [udig-devel] uDIG SLD Editing, Samuel Doyle
  • [udig-devel] IRC today?, Andrea Antonello
  • [udig-devel] Spatial Ops: the competition heats up, Adrian Custer
  • [udig-devel] what about charting?, Andrea Antonello
  • Re: [udig-devel] SLD: How to combine different feature attributes for a TextSymbolizer, tony . roth
  • [udig-devel] SLD: How to combine different feature attributes for a TextSymbolizer, tony . roth
  • Antwort: Re: [udig-devel] change layer and bounding box in one command, tony . roth
  • [udig-devel] Help with simple plugin, Pedro Da Ros
  • [udig-devel] change layer and bounding box in one command, tony . roth
  • [udig-devel] Error while opening my shape files, mehdi riahi
  • [udig-devel] RE: Compression format support for Geotools/UDig, Simone Gannecchini
  • [udig-devel] Running uDig 1.1-RC10a on Linux, I've attempted to display a layer from a SHP file with an SLD that filters symbols out to several different external graphics.,,The SLD validates, and the symbols do indeed display, filtered as they should. However, any re-rendering of the map (zoom in or out, for instance) generates about 10 instances of "An error has occurred. See error log for details." before it finally displays the map correctly., , I'm attaching a text file with snippets from the SLD and from the log. (We'll see if that makes it through.) Any direction would be appreciated.,,I'd like to echo Peter Schweitzer's comments: uDig is very usable and a place to post the "How do I do this?" questions I haven't seen answered yet would be helpful -- a place where we wouldn't be bothering the developers, that is.,,Ron Bentley, Ron Bentley
  • Re: [udig-devel] create a command, Jody Garnett

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