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Re: [udig-devel] Coloring polygons

Peter Bange wrote:
1) After creating a new layer for polygon geometries I can draw polygons, count them, but they remain invisible whatever I do. Only selecting them show their outlines, so I can see were they are ... The style editor has no effect at all.

2) It took me long to get some effect of loaded PostGIS layers with the Style-Theme option, what I found out is: a) You first have to make the objects in the layer invisible with the Simple Style editor before the effects of the Theme Style editor
         are clearly visible
b) Somehow uDig assumed the polygons in the layer I imported form postgis to be linestrings and refused to render the fill of the polygons

I wonder:
- How can I make newly drawn polygons visible ?
- How can I tell uDig to render the fills in stead of the (out)lines of polygons ?

Hi Peter,

I don't believe this is the case, but it's been a while since i've played with the editing tools. As I recall, one needed only to hit the refresh button to "kick" the renderer, since events weren't being triggered.

The linestring conversion sounds like a bug, but keep in mind that if the layer you are copying to is of the linestring geometry type, udig will convert your features from polygon to linestrings.


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