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Re: [udig-devel] what about charting?

Hey they at least packaged the chart engine up for RCP developers:

Andrea Antonello wrote:
There are numerous SWT / JFace charting widget projects around - but
like you I do not know of any clear winner.
That is really a pity, perhaps someone else can help us?
Is birt really all that pain or is there some easy way for easy things?
I will do some investigating.
Oh just a sec - I think the BIRT people started punting their widgets out as a separate eclipse project - perhaps charting is one such component?

BIRT is really not that bad - it was three years ago when we started uDig - but now it is a fairly slick environment. As is usual for eclipse projects it suffers a bit from a not invented here syndrome - but even ESRI has some plugins for it now.

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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