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Re: [udig-devel] Help with simple plugin


thanks for the message :).

Sorry for replying so late : it was holidays here on Thursday (not
sure about other countries), so I´m only back to work today.

Wow, those "Primers" are huge :P, I hope I don´t have to understand
all this complexity so soon. Im gonna continue my pursuit of showing a
custom layer on uDig, which I think I´m more than halfway there. I
don´t think I will need to do anything much more complex on the
Geotools level. I will have to understand deeper the uDig
platform/plugin scheme, tho, if we choose to continue using uDig.

I will keep you guys informed (or "I´ll be here annoying you with more
newbie questions ;)" ).

Cya, thanks,
-Pedro Da Ros

On 6/6/07, Jody Garnett <jgarnett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I had to do a web search to find the two primers:

Stupid stupid stupid ...

On the bright side I am trying to document GeoTools as people ask me
questions - although I only write docs if someone is going to actually
test them and give me feedback.  So if you are game join me on IRC

> One thing that *almost* helps is that GeoTools is based on "standards"
> published by the OGC (so you can download lots of documentation and
> you will find the names line up between the GeoTools code base and the
> class diagrams in the standards).
> However recently they started working with OGC people started working
> more with ISO Standards (which you have to pay in order to read). This
> is EVIL - one nice person (Bryce!) has made up "primers" on the ISO
> specs that have pictures. These primers are not kind to the the faint
> of heart, but they are kind to the faint of budget.
> You will also find the GeoAPI project useful - as they convert the
> standards into normal Java interfaces for us to all use.
> Jody
> Pedro Da Ros wrote:
>> Hey again, Andrea!
>> Yeah, it turns out Im fighting to understand geotools, and not uDig
>> (yet), my bad asking about it as if it was uDig :P.
>> I´m checking the link you gave me on the docs of geotools and am
>> trying to understand it. Overall it looks like a complex architecture,
>> but seems solid. I will keep trying to manage to understand this :P.
>> Thanks again,
>> -Pedro Da Ros
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> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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