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[udig-devel] AddLayerCommand

I've spent the past four days attempting to add a layer through using a customised plug-in icon. However every time I've tried I've kept getting a null pointer exception from the new layer that I've been attempting to add.

The actual code that adds the layer can be found on the Internet called AddLayerCommand, however, I've been calling it from another class with the extension AbstractCommand that enables the customised plug-in icon to trigger an event, within this class my run method contains the following code:

   IMap map;
   map.sendCommandASync(new AddLayerCommand(layer) );

However, the map variable has not been initialised so when the user clicks the button nothing happens. If I add the following code to my run method:

  IMap map = ApplicationGIS.getActiveMap();
  map.sendCommandASync(new AddLayerCommand(layer) );

When the user clicks on the icon it triggers an event, however, it displays the following error message:

  An internal error occurred during: "Map command executing"

It's obvious I'm initialising the map variable incorrectly but if anyone knows how to initialise the variable correctly then please reply to this email as soon as possible. I'll keep looking over the Internet for an answer myself while I wait for a reply.


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