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[udig-devel] II Open Source GIS Users Meeting in Girona (Spain), March 2008 (dates correction)

**Sorry, the previous message contained some errors. This is the correct one**

Dear colleagues,

Maybe you or someone in your team can be interested in participating in this II Open Source GIS Users Meeting (feel free to distribute this message):

GIS & Remote Sensing Service (SIGTE) of the University of Girona (in Spain) is organizing the II Open Source GIS Users Meeting that will be held in Girona during March 3th, 4th and 5th 2008.

The main purpose of this meeting is not only to present and show new or existing Open Source GIS software (and its capabilities or improvements). Moreover, we are really interested in showing real applications and experiences using any Open Source GIS & Remote Sensing software, 3D visualizations tools, ... and their degree of presence in professional fields of work, pointing out advantages and disadvantages.

The official language of this meeting will be Spanish but English communications or papers will also be accepted.

During the following weeks the website (Program, Plenaries, Presentations...) will be updated.

We hope you’ll find it interesting.

Important dates:



Deadline Abstract: October 15th 2007

Deadline Papers: January 31st 2008


Early registration: until December 15th 2007

Late registration: after December 15th 2007

Registration deadline: until February 9th 2008

More information on User’s meeting website

Contact: infojornadas@xxxxxxxxxxxx


SIGTE – Universitat de Girona

Lluís Vicens
SIGTE – Universitat de Girona
Plaça Ferrater Mora, 1
17071   Girona

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