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  • [ve-dev] Exception while debugging the VE plugin, Janak Mulani
  • [ve-dev] Migrating to VE 1.2, Janak Mulani
  • [ve-dev] Overriding the Code Generation about Java Access, Masaru Misumi
  • [ve-dev] Migrating from VE 1.1 to VE 1.2, Janak Mulani
  • AW: AW: [ve-dev] Overriding the Property-Editor in a Subclassdoes notseem to work, Peter Koch
  • [ve-dev] Overriding the Property-Editor in a Subclass does not seem to work, Peter Koch
  • [ve-dev] API to Generate XMl, Janak Mulani
  • [ve-dev] Preventing setting of bean property on target VM, Janak Mulani
  • [ve-dev] help ve in mac, Gianluca Rettore
  • [ve-dev] Visual Layout Problem, Fran Varin
  • [ve-dev] Read/Write of complex LayoutManager values, Gerald Rosenberg
  • [ve-dev] Custom code in a setter, Janak Mulani
  • [ve-dev] Registry contribution occurs too late?, Darren Hurt
  • [ve-dev] How to recognize and execute the non-visual methods?, shobana ramaswamy
  • [ve-dev] Overriding the variable declarations in code generation., Darren Hurt
  • [ve-dev] Using Visual Editor to disaply custom widgets developed from the base object, Priya, Alagappan (IE10)
  • [ve-dev] How to debug override xml?, Gerald Rosenberg
  • [ve-dev] Re: ve-dev Digest, Vol 15, Issue 10, Hung V Lam
  • [ve-dev] Visual editor not able to write the code returned by the custom property editor, H Ramachandra, Rashmi
  • [ve-dev] Extra line when generating code for a new component etc., Darren Hurt
  • RE: [ve-dev] Contributing to registry priortocomponentinstantia tion?, Darren Hurt
  • [ve-dev] How can i get the visual component's remote BeanProxy in ve's viewer?, soukyou
  • RE: [ve-dev] Contributing to registry prior tocomponentinstantia tion?, Darren Hurt
  • RE: [ve-dev] Contributing to registry prior to componentinstantia tion?, Darren Hurt

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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