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[ve-dev] Migrating from VE 1.1 to VE 1.2

Dear VE Team,

I am exploring migration of ULC VE from VE 1.1 to VE1.2:

In the migration docs:

Migrate Palette: This I had done when migrating from VE 1.0 to VE 1.1. So I
need not do anything for VE 1.2. is that right?

Migrate Override: This I have to do using the provided tool. However the old
overrides should work as they are (till 1.3).

Could you please give pointers to other significant migration issues (i.e
what are the important changes w.r.t VE 1.1)?

During compilation I get the following error:

The type org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.CompilationUnitEditor cannot
be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
com.canoo.ulc.visualeditor/src/com/canoo/ulc/visualeditor	line 0	1151001946655	3175

Any idea what is missing? Do I need to include some plugin in the

Thanks and regards,


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