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[ve-dev] Commit intercept for dropped components?

Working with FlowLayoutEditPolicy as a prototype for FormLayoutEditPolicy. 

Looks like I can use "getCreateCommand(CreateRequest aRequest)", etc. as intercepts to supply candidate constraints computed based on the request/editpart parameter.  The computation is made against an internal model of available/used constraints.

Looks like I can use "createListener() ... new EditPartListener.Stub()" to recognize add and remove component events.  This will allow me to commit a corresponding update to my internal model.

What can I use as an intercept to recognize completion of a component move *within* a container?  Need a commit trigger to update my model.

Also, should I be getting "removingChild" and "childAdded" events when moving a component between containers?  When crossing between the containers, VE does switch from issuing "getMoveChildrenCommand" to issuing "getOrphanChildrenCommand" and "createAddCommand".  On the mouse button release, I am not getting any events -- should remove and add events be generated at this point?


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