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Re: [ve-dev] Read/Write of complex LayoutManager values


Comments in red

Gerald Rosenberg <gerald@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

06/13/2006 07:39 PM

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Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [ve-dev] Read/Write of complex LayoutManager values

Actually, I was trying to make this just as simple and plain as possible: adding minimal ordinary support for just one layout manager.

1) Unfortunately, seems that I am not even talking to the remote VM.  When I run this code, I am still getting a null assigned to "formLayoutHelperType":

       String targetVMHelperTypeName = "java.lang.String";  <<<< that should exist in any VM

        formLayoutHelperType = getContainerBeanProxy().getProxyFactoryRegistry().

The result of the terminal "getBeanTypeProxy()" call is a Command.GET_CLASS_NOT_FOUND.  Shouldn't I be able to find at least the String.class on the remote VM?  Any advice on how to debug?

--- RLK You should be able to see string. Is there any .log file? There may be more errors before this that indicate the real error.

2) The JGoodies standard forms layout manger has exactly one bean standard-form property (int[][] get/setGroups()).  Instead, all of the really interesting values are provided as constructor parameters.  Therefore, was not planning on having a beaninfo, at least until I can generate/handle synthetic bean properties on the propertypage.  Not sure that is even possible, so, for now, just not bothering with a beaninfo.

--- RLK Beaninfo would only be necessary if you were working with properties or wanted to provide a special customizer for the class from the property sheet. There are other reasons, but until you need them, then no need to worry about it.

3) If I follow the standard pattern of exposing the forms.jar -- contributing the forms.jar used internally by the plug-in to user projects -- I am still uncertain as to what the container value should be.  

You said that the container value "needs to be the container that you have that contains your "runtime" code. It needs to be the container that supplies the jar that contains the FormLayout class itself."  Sorry, just cannot parse that with certainty.

The forms.jar contains "com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout.class", which is the actual layout manager.
The maximum single path part that will still include all classes in the forms.jar is "com.jgoodies.forms".
The forms.jar is located in the root directory of my plug-in.
The plug-in has an ID of ""

So is this correct: "container=com.jgoodies.forms.FormLayoutContainer"?

If not, what is?  Or, what additional information is needed to compose a proper container value?

--- RLK Containers are special Eclipse JDT thingey that you provide. An example of a container is the "JRE System Library" that JDT automatically adds to your project's classpath. We use containers to key off of to indicate "ah, we know what this container has in it, so we need to contribute certain stuff to the editor". For example, if we see the SWT Container in the classpath, then we know that SWT is being used and we then contribute the SWT VE stuff.

The problem here is that the jgoodies forms.jar is not being put into the classpath via a container, so we don't know that we need to contribute your special stuff. You can use the JRE container as a container, but then your stuff will be contributed to ALL projects, not just ones that have the jgoodies forms jar in the classpath. This may be ok as long as you don't have any heavy IConfigurationContributor (i.e. one that does a lot of stuff to the remote vm when contributeToRegistry is called), or anything else that it does, such as adding listeners or such. Because these will happen whether there is a forms jar in the classpath or not.

The important thing is that since you are not supplying a container for us, the project's buildpath will only see the jgoodies forms.jar. So the compiler will only see what is in the jgoodies jar when compiling. And this makes sense because when the user runs their application outside of VE they will only have the jgoodies forms.jar available. they won't have any of your jars available at that time because you did not tell them to use your jar instead.

Now your IConfigurationContributor can put other jars onto the remote vm's classpath. That is what we do in our JFCVisualContributor does. The method:

        public void contributeClasspaths(IConfigurationContributionController controller) {
                // Add the visualvm.jar and nls jars to the end of the classpath. This jar contains the vm stuff
                // needed for doing JVE editing.
                controller.contributeClasspath(JFCVisualPlugin.getPlugin().getBundle(), "vm/jfcvm.jar", IConfigurationContributionController.APPEND_USER_CLASSPATH, true); //$NON-NLS-1$

does this. It adds the "vm/jfcvm.jar" to the end of the classpath of the remote vm. The jar comes out of the plugin itself (the JFCVisualPlugin.getPlugin().getBundle() tells us the plugin to get it out of). This jar contains that "auxiliary" classes that we use. These are the classes that we use doing VE edit time to do things for us on the remote vm that are too complicated to do through the proxies. For example,, is a class our JTableProxyAdapter uses to get information from the JTable instance on the remote vm. Things like adding a column to the table. This can be complicated so we didn't want to do it through proxies only. We simply call the method in JTableManager through proxies to do the actual work on the remote vm.

Thanks much,

At 11:21 AM 6/13/2006, you wrote:


Your's is not a usual situation. Typically people are supplying both the runtime jar to compile against and use at runtime, and separate editparts/VE code and beaninfo.

First, your forms.jar internal one that your plugin is supplying, does it have an actual FormsLayout class in it? That could be a problem because the user would not be putting this jar into their classpath in the project. They would be putting the external forms.jar. So the FormsLayout from the external jar is the one that will be compiled against and loaded in the remote vm, not your FormsLayout class. Is that a problem?

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