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[ve-dev] How can i get the visual component's remote BeanProxy in ve's viewer?

I am write myowner ve's viewers.

In the viewer, according the visual editor, firstly,i get
IJavaInstanceObject all of a visual beans. It worked correctly.

Then, i get  BeanProxy according the IJavaInstanceObject.

If i open the visual editor at first, open my viewer at second, it can work

But if i open my viewer at first, open visual editor at second,sometimes it
can work correctly,sometimes it cannot work.

The related source is as followed.
 private void getBeanProxyFromJavaInstance(JavaObjectInstance joi,EditDomain

   //get proxy according the JavaObjectInstance
   IBeanProxy proxy=BeanProxyUtilities.getBeanProxy(joi);
   //get value from the proxy.


At Step1 and Step2 ,the value  returned sometimes was null .(Not always)

But ,if  debugged  this part of source, it always worked correctly.

I think the time I get the beanProxy is wrong.

The beanProxy should be got after some flag. Or the beanProxy should be got
in some listener according the visaul editor.

Can anyone help me?


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