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Re: [ve-dev] Read/Write of complex LayoutManager values


You can do it the other way around, work it out from the top-down. That's pretty much what we do. Basically walk through the "components" setting of the container and get each ComponentConstraint. From there you can get the actual component and the constraint IJavaInstances. From the constraint you can get the row,col, and spans, either by querying it from the live constraints (if you had exposed those) or by parsing the java allocation parse tree. We usually query the values because the values are typically exposed as standard properties, so we just use constraint.eGet(feature) to retrieve them.

Now this will give you only those that were explicitly added by VE. Any that were implicitly added through some other means won't be know about.

But if you must work it out from the bottom up, it's a little more complicated. I would get your data back from the remote vm and create a hashmap where the key would be the IBeanProxy of the child object as returned from the remote vm, and the value would be the rest of the IBeanProxy constraint data for the object as returned from your query. Then you would walk through all of the "components" settings of the container, get the ComponentConstraint object, then get the component feature IJavaInstance, from the IJavaInstance get the IBeanProxy (using BeanProxyUtilities.getBeanProxy(IJavaInstance). This IBeanProxy will be the same physical instance as the one returned from your remote vm query and it can be used in your map as the key to retrieve the associated constraint data.


Gerald Rosenberg <gerald@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

06/07/2006 01:34 PM

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Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [ve-dev] Read/Write of complex LayoutManager values

Joe -

The formlayout manager on the remote VM stores all of the live cell constraints in a single hashmap, using Java object references to the actual components (jLabel, jButton, etc) as the keys and correspnding cell constraints objects as values.  No problem accessing the hashmap and digging out individual constraint values.  I have this code implemented and working.

Just stopped short by the need to somehow correlate a bare Java object reference (ex: JLabel, id=81) in the remote VM to a specific local VE component reference that can be used in a VE command to rewrite that specific line of code.

For example, given *only* a user indication of a desire to insert a column at 3, this source code

.add(jLabel3, new CellConstraints(2, 2, 3, 1)); // args: col, row, spanX, spanY
.add(jLabel1, new CellConstraints(4, 2)); // args: col, row

will need to be rewritten as

.add(jLabel3, new CellConstraints(2, 2, 4, 1)); // increase spanX
.add(jLabel1, new CellConstraints(5, 2)); // shift column right

I can figure out which remote components are affected from the constraint data in the remote VM, but I then need to *somehow* correlate those remote components to existing local VE objects that can be used in VE commands to implement the rewrite.

Did not see a way to solve this problem, so thought to explore retriving the constraint data fully within the context of the local VM (really expected that it would not be much of a problem for VE).  

So, is there a VE way to correlate remote component instances to local VE objects?  Something else that I am missing?

At 12:46 PM 6/7/2006, you wrote:

Hi Gerald,

First - why do you want the constructor args ?  

In the generated source, the unique values of a constraint are specified as constructor values (no getter/setters are available).  

The only reason I can think to want to do this [parse tree stuff] ... is because ... you want to do something clever in code gen.  

Clever, no.  At least no more clever than ordinary VE stuff.  Just looking for the simplest implementation that can actually work.

Do you see the problem with closing the component identification loop from the remote VM? Is there a way to surmount, dodge or finese this problem?  Another alternative?  I certainly hope so.

Appreciate any help and advice,
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