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[ve-dev] Visual editor not able to write the code returned by the custom property editor

Title: Visual editor not able to write the code returned by the custom property editor

Hi All,
I am facing a problem with the custom property editor that I have written for my custom widgets property list. The type of the property that I am trying to edit is a double dimension String array. All the other property editors which are used to edit a simple string/list are working fine. The 'getJavaInitialization()' method is called for them. Only in the property editor with the complex data type (Double dimension String array) the getJavaInitialization() method is not called.
'getAsText()' method is called directly and anything returned from that method is not reflected (written) on to the code in the Editor window. The string returned from the 'getAsText()'method for the property is visible correctly as the cell value in the Properties View, but nothing is being written to the code in the Editor window. The return string from the 'getAsText()' Method is of the form as given below
return "new String [][]{{\"ssss\",\"ssss\"}}";

When I explicitly invoke the 'setValue()' method from getAsText() method of the property editor class with a dummy value, the string is written to the code in the editor window. Also, explicit invocation of the 'setValue()' method is not advised in the API.

The cust6om property editor for a double dimensional string array that I have implemented is working fine in another IDE. I have also tried clearing all the bean info cache (from ..metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.jem.beaninfo and ..metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects\<yourproject>\org.eclipse.jem.beaninfo). But it is still not working.

Can anybody please help me in this regard?
I could post code in case needed.

Thank you and Best Regards,
Rashmi H.R

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