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Re: [ve-dev] Read/Write of complex LayoutManager values


It looks like your are close. This


needs to be the container that you have that contains your "runtime" code. It needs to be the container that supplies the jar that contains the FormLayout class itself. You don't put your adapter class in that jar, your put your runtime into that jar.

The container is then added to a project that one of your customers would be developing that would be using your FormLayout. The finding of the container in a project does:
  1. Supply the FormLayout class to the project so that it can be referenced and used (this is done through the <library runtime=...> of the "" and the
  2. Tell the VE that FormLayout is in the project path and that it should add the palette contribution to the palette, and tells what runtime jar should be added (the runtime=...). Through the "".
  3. And finally any development time code that needs to be available to the remote vm (such as your RemoteVMAdapter) and supplied in a different jar. This jar is not available to clients through the classpath container. It is only available to the VE through the remote vm at development time. This is contributed through a proxy contributor.

This can be complicated because the contributions are spread out, but the format is:

(1) Create the container so that everthing else keys off of that. This is done through the following extension points. We will be defining the container

First we define the wizard page that allows customers to add your container to their classpath.
tag1         name="Custom Prompter"
tag2         class=""
tag3         id="">

Next we define the container initializer. This tells how to initialize the container. By using RegisteredClasspathContainerInitializer it tells us to use the extension point to get the info:

Then we provide the definition of the container. This tells the container initializer to use customwidgets.jar as the jar to add to the customer's classpath. It should contain only the runtime code. It also indicates what pallete item to add.
      description="Custom Prompter">
    <library runtime="customwidgets.jar"/>


(2) Next provide the design time remote vm jars, or any other special initialization. This also is keyed off of the container. In this case if PrompterContainer is in the classpath we will call the JFCVisualContributor.

And the contributor is. In this case contributeClasspaths is used to contribute the vm/jfcvm.jar from the plugin to the remote vm's classpath. This is a design time jar that is used on the remote vm at design time. This is where you would contribute your RemoteVMAdapter.jar.

public class JFCVisualContributor extends ConfigurationContributorAdapter {

        public void contributeClasspaths(IConfigurationContributionController controller) {
                // Add the visualvm.jar and nls jars to the end of the classpath. This jar contains the vm stuff
                // needed for doing JVE editing.
                controller.contributeClasspath(JFCVisualPlugin.getPlugin().getBundle(), "remoteVMAdapter.jar", IConfigurationContributionController.APPEND_USER_CLASSPATH, true); //$NON-NLS-1$

         * @see IConfigurationContributor#contributeToRegistry(ProxyFactoryRegistry)
        public void contributeToRegistry(ProxyFactoryRegistry registry) {
                String lookAndFeelClass =
                if (lookAndFeelClass != null & lookAndFeelClass.length() > 0) {
                        try {
                                IBeanTypeProxy aUIManagerBeanTypeProxy =
                                        registry.getBeanTypeProxyFactory().getBeanTypeProxy("javax.swing.UIManager"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                                IMethodProxy setLookAndFeelMethodProxy =
                                        aUIManagerBeanTypeProxy.getMethodProxy("setLookAndFeel", "javax.swing.LookAndFeel"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                                IBeanTypeProxy lookAndFeelType = registry.getBeanTypeProxyFactory().getBeanTypeProxy(lookAndFeelClass);
                                if (lookAndFeelType == null) {
                                        if (JavaVEPlugin.isLoggingLevel(Level.WARNING))
                                                JavaVEPlugin.log("L&F not found: " + lookAndFeelClass, Level.WARNING); //$NON-NLS-1$
                                } else {                                
                                        IBeanProxy windowsLookAndFeelProxy = lookAndFeelType.newInstance();
                                        setLookAndFeelMethodProxy.invoke(aUIManagerBeanTypeProxy, windowsLookAndFeelProxy);
                        } catch (Exception exc) {
                                if (JavaVEPlugin.isLoggingLevel(Level.WARNING)) {
                                        JavaVEPlugin.log("Unable to set target VM to L&F" + lookAndFeelClass, Level.WARNING); //$NON-NLS-1$
                                        JavaVEPlugin.log(exc, Level.WARNING);


(3) And finally you use provide the BeanInfo and overrides. This is through the BeanInfo registrations extension point:

<!-- Doing java.awt and javax.swing specifically because there are too many matches that
           we don't care about if we did just java and javax. -->


Gerald Rosenberg <gerald@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

06/12/2006 03:18 AM

Please respond to
Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [ve-dev] Read/Write of complex LayoutManager values

Rich and Joe --  as always, thanks for the help.  

Next problem -- that is, first next problem -- is that I cannot seem to get my "adapter" class (RemoteVMAdapter) to be recognized on the remote VM.  My "getBeanTypeProxy(targetVMHelperTypeName)" call is, however, always failing -- returning null.  I have verified that VE is talking to the remote VM, sending a request and receiving a response.  Unfortunately, the response is signalling Command.Get_Class_Not_Found.  Result is the same whether I run the plugin as an exported project or as an Eclipse application.

The full routine (located within my
FormLayoutPolicyHelper) is:

       private boolean getFormLayoutHelperProxy() {
               String targetVMHelperTypeName = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$

               if (isContainerBeanInvalid()) return false;

               formLayoutHelperType = getContainerBeanProxy().getProxyFactoryRegistry().
                       // ^^^^ always returns null

               try {
                       formLayoutHelperProxy = (IBeanTypeProxy) formLayoutHelperType.newInstance();

                       IMethodProxy setContainerMethodProxy = formLayoutHelperProxy.getMethodProxy(
                               "setContainer", "java.awt.Container;"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

                       setContainerMethodProxy.invoke(formLayoutHelperProxy, getContainerBeanProxy());
               } catch (Exception e) {
                       return false;
               return true;

My "proxy.jars" is set as:


where "vmAdapter.jar" contains the adapter class, "" is the plugin ID, and vm_bin is the output directory specified in

output.vmAdapter.jar = vm_bin/

The vm_bin directory does contain the adapter class file at the right path.

I have also tried adding a registration to the plugin.xml, but with no success:

<library runtime="vmAdapter.jar"/>

Not sure that I got the right extension point and container.

Anything more or different I am supposed to do to get the adapter recognized on the remote VM?  Any suggestions on how to further debug this problem?  

In the hope that you might have a moment to take a closer look, I have attached the plugin.xml, MANIFEST.MF, etc project definition files.

Second problem is that I need to be able to use my "FormLayoutPolicyHelper" from the layout customizer invoked from the menu choice that runs FormLayoutLayoutPage.  Since FormLayoutLayoutPage is run as a ".class" file from the menu selection, it does not get set with the VisualContainerPolicy.  FormLayoutPolicyHelper, however, ultimately needs the policy.  

I am using the current selection's EditPart, as provided through the "handleSelectionChanged" method of FormLayoutLayoutPage to get the policy:

protected VisualContainerPolicy getPolicy(EditPart editPart) {
               ContainerGraphicalEditPart gPart = (ContainerGraphicalEditPart) editPart;
               FormLayoutEditPolicy fep = (FormLayoutEditPolicy) gPart
               VisualContainerPolicy policy = fep.getContainerPolicy();
return policy;

Seems to work, but this is the policy relied upon by the "getContainerBeanProxy()" method, which is used in the first question above (and therefore makes it suspect).  Can you verify that this use/approach is proper?  If not, how do I get the correct policy to set to the FormLayoutPolicyHelper for use in the layout customizer?  

ve-dev mailing list

Attachment: MANIFEST.MF
Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Attachment: plugin.xml
Description: Binary data

Attachment: proxy.jars
Description: Binary data

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