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Re: [ve-dev] Commit intercept for dropped components?

Gerald Rosenberg <gerald@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

06/22/2006 07:26 PM

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Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [ve-dev] Commit intercept for dropped components?

At 12:55 PM 6/22/2006, you wrote:

As I recall, your internal model is basically the info describing the current state of the FormLayoutEditPolicy. My suggestion is that when a change occurs, you simply mark your current model as stale. And then the next time you need the data you can reconstruct it.

Sorry I was not clear.  My internal model is keeping significantly more information that can be reconstructed from the remote VM -- the model is tracking defined, but currently unused constraints as well.  

If I use VisualComponentAdapter#componentValidated() I would need to reconcile, rather than reconstruct.   I think I can do that, but ...

1) Is there any better alternative approach?

2) On completion of a drag-move of a component between containers, is VE supposed to generate "EditPartListener#removingChild" and "EditPartListener#childAdded" events against the respective containers?

-- I think the best approach is  to reconcile. We do that with our SWT gridlayout, which is extremely complicated. It is very hard to be trying to figure out all of the different places that will be notified depending on the type of change. There isn't just one notification scheme. And it may change in the future. It is easier to simply know something has changed that may affect the data. I would not go the more intensive route of trying to follow and maintain the state until you see a performance problem. And I don't think you will see one. Computers are very fast these days.

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