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[ve-dev] Overriding the Property-Editor in a Subclass does not seem to work

Title: Overriding the Property-Editor in a Subclass does not seem to work


I'm currently writing a plugin which customizes
the ULC VE plugin (own widgets, different palette,
other property-editors, ...).

I'm struggling about the following problem:

I have a class RButton which extends ULCButton.
In my RButton.override I'd like to define an own
property editor for the "text" property
(like in MyCustomPrompter.override from the VE tutorial).

But this does not work.

Overriding of property editors for properties which
already have defined a property editor
for a property in a superclass generally
does not seem to be possible.

If I make an own property like "buttonText", everything is fine.
But this is only a workaround.

(I'm working with ULC VE 5.0 which bases on VE

Any ideas, comments ?

Thanks & best regards,
Peter Koch

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