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RE: [ve-dev] Registry contribution occurs too late?

Yes, that sounds like it explains what is happening.
From the way I have understood it (incorrectly it seems), the registry is just a means of communicating with the target VM.
I have been under the assumption that each editor starts up its own java process that is used for the component instances and customizers.
I assumed that each time you open an editor, this target VM is started up.
In fact I have been assuming that the registry and target VM are in 1-1 correspondence, and that when the VM is started up, a new registry is created,
and the contributions are applied through it.
You seem to be saying that this is not the case.
Are you saying that the target VM processes are being reused, even though an editor has been closed?
It does seem that it would be useful to have an extension point for contributions/communication that needs to occur every time a new editor
is opened. This could apply to the Look and feel settings for example.
 I would be very grateful if you could possibly explain a bit more about the relationship between the registry and the target VM's, and when exactly they are started
I have been slightly surprised when remote debugging, the editor has asked for a port number twice, which seems to imply that  there are a couple of VM's hanging around.
                Darren Hurt
-----Original Message-----
From: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Rich Kulp
Sent: 31 May 2006 16:43
To: Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project
Subject: Re: [ve-dev] Registry contribution occurs too late?

Are you talking about some type of dynamic setting that will be different each time? If so then you current can't. The contribution does occur before the editor gets the registry, but the thing is we keep a spare registry laying around to speed up opening the editor the second time, or after a classpath change. So the contribution occurs when the spare registry opens up, and then at some later time the editor uses that registry.

Typically the contributions are not time-dependent or editor dependent. They are usually class path dependent. For example when JFace is in the classpath the contribution will initialize some JFace classes for us. Since at the time of creation of the registry it is not known what editor will use it, there is no editor specific contribution.

It is a known problem that look and feel doesn't change until we use up the spare registry and create a new one.


Darren Hurt <darren.hurt@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

05/31/2006 09:03 AM

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Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"'Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project'" <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[ve-dev] Registry contribution occurs too late?

I have some eclipse preferences that I pass to the target VM via the registry contribution mechanism.
However, in order for these changes to take effect I have to open and close an editor first, before opening
up the editor that I actually want to make changes in.
It seems that the registry contribution occurs too late.
By the way, this is also true when you change the look and feel visual editor configurations.
Is this something you are aware of, and is there any way to make the registry contribution occur earlier?
I am working on top of VE
    Darren Hurt
ve-dev mailing list

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