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[ve-dev] Read/Write of complex LayoutManager values

Thanks for the excellent help... FormLayoutSwitcher is essentially done.

Now working on a simple FormLayoutPolicyEdit -- I see how to read/write simple bean properties to the layoutmanager using INumberBeanProxy and IStringBeanProxy.  However, I need to be able to access a property with a more complex type:
public int[][] getColumnGroups()
public ColumnSpec getColumnSpec(int columnIndex)
So the first question is: is there an IObjectBeanProxy or some equivalent?  If not, how do I extract existing layoutmanager constructor arguments (which is what defines the form of the layout format)?

FormLayout layout = new FormLayout(
"right:pref, 6dlu, 50dlu, 4dlu",  // 4 columns
"pref, 3dlu, pref, 3dlu, pref");  // 5 rows

Second question is: is there a way to invoke a non-bean (is/get/set) based method on the layoutmanager?  Not essential, but it would be helpful to be able to use layoutmanager methods of the form:
public void insertColumn(int columnIndex, ColumnSpec columnSpec)
public void removeColumn(int columnIndex)

The final question involves working with existing constraint objects -- I will need to enumerate the components in the container and then inspect the fields of the corresponding constraint object to extract the current constraint values.  Something like:

List cclist = ...  // accumulator for constraint values
while (childs.hasNext()) { // where childs is an interator over the List of container components
EObject constraintComponent = InverseMaintenanceAdapter.getIntermediateReference((EObject)
getContainerBean(), sfComponents, sfConstraintComponent, (EObject);

// this is the unknown part vvvvvv
CellConstraints constraint = ????(constraintComponent);

Explanations and/or pointers to exemplary source in the project would be appreciated.


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