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  • [sw360-dev] Committer Election for Andreas Klett on Eclipse SW360 has started, emo
  • [sw360-dev] SW360 Upgrade Thrift Version to 0.11.0, Maier, Thomas (CT RDA DS EVO OPS APS DI 1)
  • [sw360-dev] Committer Election for Leo von Klenze on Eclipse SW360 has started, emo
  • [sw360-dev] Committer Election for Kalle Soranko on Eclipse SW360 has started, emo
  • [sw360-dev] Oldie but goldie: Component Identification, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] Committer Election for Lars Geyer-Blaumeiser on Eclipse SW360 has started, emo
  • [sw360-dev] Github Services Replacement, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] SW360 Slides in Japanese, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] No Telcos until Jan 7th, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] New project: sw360slides, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] SW360 website online, Kristan Johannes (INST-CSS/BSV-OS)
  • [sw360-dev] sw360meeting - some notes from today, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] Next Telco Wednesday -> skip, Meet on Thursday, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] proposal: sw360 dev meeting, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Fwd: [VOTE] Velocity Tools 3.0 Release Quality, Kristan Johannes (INST-CSS/BSV-OS)
  • [sw360-dev] Telco tomorrow: skipped, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] tracing editing steps in couchdb documents, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Verifa logo for sw360 webpage, Kalle Soranko
  • [sw360-dev] Suggestion logo re-design, Kristan Johannes (INST-CSS/BSV-OS)
  • [sw360-dev] Preparation SW360 release, Kristan Johannes (INST-CSS/BSV-OS)
  • [sw360-dev] anyone objections for closing sw360/sw360portal ?, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Info in README about packaging, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Where to place JavaScript based gui, Geyer-Blaumeiser Lars (INST-CSS/BSV-OS)
  • [sw360-dev] How to add a new dependency?, Geyer-Blaumeiser Lars (INST-CSS/BSV-OS)
  • Re: [sw360-dev] [] Moving to Gerrit, Maier, Thomas (CT RDA DS EVO OPS APS DI 1)
  • [sw360-dev] Mail rejected by maiman, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Eclipse SW360 Logo, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] pls. do not forget to migrate your stars!, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] sw360 - internal repositories (forks) merge concept, Maier, Thomas (CT RDA DS EVO OPS APS DI 1)
  • [sw360-dev] sw360 - issues to eclipse repository migrated, Maier, Thomas (CT RDA DS EVO OPS APS DI 1)
  • [sw360-dev] sw360Meeting today, Michael C. Jaeger
  • Re: [sw360-dev] Eclipse initial contirbution, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] sw360 - migrate issues, labels, projects etc., Maier, Thomas (CT RDA DS EVO OPS APS DI 1)
  • [sw360-dev] sw360 - wiki updated, Maier, Thomas (CT RDA DS EVO OPS APS DI 1)
  • [sw360-dev] We finally made it: initial commit is in Eclipse repo, Kristan Johannes (INST-CSS/BSV-OS)
  • [sw360-dev] Meeting next week, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] SW360 initial contribution, Kristan Johannes (INST-CSS/BSV-OS)
  • [sw360-dev] sw360 - sw360vagrant aws provider update, Maier, Thomas (CT RDA DS EVO OPS APS DI 1)
  • [sw360-dev] sw360 release version 3.2.0 available, Maier, Thomas (CT RDA DS EVO OPS APS DI 1)
  • [sw360-dev] SW360meeting, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] current maven based deploy currently not OK, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] sw360 website, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Proposal sub project for Eclipse SW360, Kristan Johannes (INST-CSS/BSV-OS)

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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