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Re: [sw360-dev] tracing editing steps in couchdb documents


that is also what I understood. right now we do not have such functionality as a feature in the UI nor thrift API and it was not my intent to propose this.

But I would find this useful for debugging purposes when querying the couchdb UI, tracing back what might have happened. I have a situation now where a user claims to have entered a value that was not stored and I would like to understand better what happened when by whom.

Kind regards, Michael 

> On 12. Sep 2018, at 16:34, Maximilian Huber <maximilian.huber@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As far as I know, one should not depend on the revisions in CouchDB, since they
> are volatile and under control of CouchDB and might be cleaned up or might not
> survive a migration.
> Best regards
> Maximilian
> On Mi, 12. Sep 13:20, Jaeger, Michael C. wrote:
>> Hi,
>> in couchdb, I am trying to follow a question on some document "who edited what when" and the couchdb feature to fish out older versions of a document is extremely useful.
>> I was wondering how about adding the user and the date to every document (and not a list), because any change would write a new version of the document with according user and date. A subsequent version would have updated fields accordingly. Then by stepping back in couchdb there would be a version log already.
>> just adding to "createdBy, createdOn" also
>>  modfiedBy
>>  modifedOn
>> to every of the relevant documents?
>> What do you think?
>> Kind regards, Michael
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