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[sw360-dev] sw360meeting - some notes from today


just a few notes on the day we have had to talk about sw360 today

we have had the following agenda:

* next release
* product report
* visualisation
  * with graphs and charts
* Performance
  * page load
  * cdata tag 
* sw360antenna news
* milestones and issues

there ware: Kalle, Andreas, Thomas, Lars, Stephanie, Maximilian, Michael

# Release

We really need to make a new release. Actually all of us did deployments every few PRs since 3.2.0 and there was no need to release. However PR#339 changes the data model and requires an increment.

Since we are an Eclipse project, milestone release would be the good option.

Note that inquiry to the EF community issue tracker, if our idea of release plan is OK, is still pending for going ahead with an official release.

We would like go ahead with

* merge PR#339
* then do the maven pom.xml changes
* tag 3.3.0-M1
* the do the maven pom.xml changes for 3.4.0-snapshot

# Project report (template)

* introducing the product report
* it is about obligations for an entire project or product

# Performance

Actually, it has led to discussion first for the issue of tab back and forth browser history problem. We found that here is an anchor and if that anchor could be used for going back and forth using the browser buttons to display the last visited tab, it would be a good and consistent solution.

But page loading slow down is about
* encoding larger tables in javascipt / json arrays -> solved for projects, components, licenses
  * note that paging with couchdb is difficult because our permissions (and other things are evaluated on the backend logic) 
* detail pages load times are basically that a huge emphasis is on scripting and rendering
  * (looking at insights at the performance tab in Chrome dev tools)
  * there is some discussion where the actual load times are and what idle means.
* actually looking at this now (on an instance with 4cores 16GB RAM) it is 4 secs backend and 2 secs frontend rendering

conclusion is that we need to understand better at which points in the stack we wait most for (JSP, JSON deserialization, couhdb) -> todo is now to add some debug timestamps in some branch that can be deployed to run tests on.

# Remarks

* it is very urgent now to migrate to LR7
  * however after some research, it seems like the last release of portal-service (for example) is in fact our dependency (6.2.5) and latest is 7.0.0-nightly only available, what we could find. Maybe dependencies have changed.

# JavsScript Frontend

* there is progress, preparing release

# sw360antenna news

* discussing some issue status from the github repo
* general walk through sw360antenna workflow

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