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sw360-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • [sw360-dev] Canceled: sw360dev tech call: sw360 AND sw360antenna, (continued)
  • [sw360-dev] Your Help Appreciated: New Java 11 / Ubuntu Bionic Vagrant Update, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] SW360 in Japanese Language, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] Some remarks about the transition to Java 11, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] sw360dev open tech call: sw360 AND sw360antenna, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] New Tag v 10.0, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Oliver Heger on Eclipse SW360, emo
  • [sw360-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Stephanie Neubauer on Eclipse SW360, emo
  • [sw360-dev] Committer Election for Oliver Heger on Eclipse SW360 has started, emo
  • [sw360-dev] Committer Election for Stephanie Neubauer on Eclipse SW360 has started, emo
  • [sw360-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Jaideep Palit on Eclipse SW360, emo
  • [sw360-dev] Committer Election for Jaideep Palit on Eclipse SW360 has started, emo
  • [sw360-dev] New Release 8.2.0-M1, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] sw360dev tech call: sw360 AND antenna, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] sw360dev tech call: sw360 AND sw360antenna, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Alternative to zoom, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] Release 8.1.0-M1, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] sw360dev tech call (sw360 + sw360antenna), Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Individual Date: sw360issues, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] sw360issues - discussion and management, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Updates Wiki - Ongoing, Michael C . Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] sw360 - 7.0.1 !, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] New Documentation: The Missing Part: Initial Setup of Liferay, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] Todays Telco, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] FW: [openchain] OpenChain×AGL at CES 2020 and Automotive WG 3rd F2F Meeting@US, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] new slack invite link, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] Andreas Klett hat folgende Einladung abgelehnt: sw360dev tech call, Andreas Klett
  • [sw360-dev] Leo von Klenze hat folgende Einladung abgelehnt: sw360dev tech call, Leo von Klenze
  • [sw360-dev] Long delays on deployment with sw360chores, Leo von Klenze
  • [sw360-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Abdul Kapti on Eclipse SW360, emo
  • [sw360-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Smruti Sahoo on Eclipse SW360, emo
  • [sw360-dev] Committers Proposed, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Committer Election for Abdul Kapti on Eclipse SW360 has started, emo
  • [sw360-dev] Committer Election for Smruti Sahoo on Eclipse SW360 has started, emo
  • [sw360-dev] SW360 Version 5 Deployment, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Remarks about the versions about SW360, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] SW360-4.0.0-M1, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Upgrade to Liferay 7, Leo von Klenze
  • [sw360-dev] Liferay 7 Plans, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Update to Liferay 7, Leo von Klenze
  • [sw360-dev] F2F Meeting in Munich on June 4th: what was worked on, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] Canceled: sw360dev tech call, michael.c.jaeger@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • [sw360-dev] Homepage Update, michael.c.jaeger@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • [sw360-dev] abandon blogs?, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] sw360dev - workshop day, michael.c.jaeger@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • [sw360-dev] Updates on the wiki. REST documentation and Enumerations used in the API, michael.c.jaeger@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • [sw360-dev] updated wiki pages, michael.c.jaeger@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • [sw360-dev] Face2Face Meeting, michael.c.jaeger@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • [sw360-dev] Michael not there on WED (today yes), Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] On the Github Group, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] archiving original sw360rest project, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] Query on sw360 and fossology connection setup, Akhilesh sw360
  • [sw360-dev] Had to leave, Kristan Johannes (INST-CSS/BSV-OS1)
  • [sw360-dev] SW360 software setup, Akhilesh sw360
  • [sw360-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Andreas Klett on Eclipse SW360, emo
  • [sw360-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Leo von Klenze on Eclipse SW360, emo
  • [sw360-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Kalle Soranko on Eclipse SW360, emo
  • [sw360-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Lars Geyer-Blaumeiser on Eclipse SW360, emo

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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