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Re: [sw360-dev] Your Help Appreciated: New Java 11 / Ubuntu Bionic Vagrant Update


and while rereading my post, something was forgotten, one new thing some of you might like:


is a plugin that allows you for setting up the disk size right at generation of the box. So many have asked for help with increasing the disk size of the existing vagrant setup - after the virtual box has setup everything. It was set to 10GB, which for sure is rather small if your use goes beyond branch testing.

The new PR also brings that:

It is set for 20GB now by default. So, in case you might want to check that ...

Kind regards,

> On 16. Aug 2020, at 11:13, Michael C. Jaeger <mcj@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
>  since we have moved our dependencies to Java 11 and now and need a reliable setup for installing and running sw360, the sw360vagrant project needs an update. 
>  it will provide a automated setup for sw360, including
> * using an ubuntu 18.04 Bionic base image
> * updating to Liferay 7.3.3
> * Updating to Couchdb 2 including coucndb-lucene 2
> * updates on various smaller issues, such as update to thrift 0.13
> * And supports the update to Java 11 with all dependencies updated:
> -> all in one virtual box or AWS instance
>  For merging the new sw360vagrant pull request, we ask for your help: we would need an independent test for this setup. Just to have a kind of peer review.
>  In case you re interested, pls consider the following steps:
> * Checkout the (branch of this) pull request:
> * If you re not familiar with sw360vagrant so far, consider the readme of that branch (not of master) how to install it:
> * if you re using macosx, please consider this age for installing sw360vagrant:
> * if you have sw360vagrant installed and see errors at the plugins, like I did, it seems to be the best strategy, not to attempt to repair the dependencies, but just install / update to 2.2.9 ...
> * Check the update documentation for liferay 7.3:
> * Please note that for Liferay 7.3 you will need, you guessed it, new lar files. You find them at:
> Known issues:
> * The sass compiler in maven calls a binary. with 8GB of RAM in the virtual machine, it fails to allocate enough memory (new effect in LR 7.3). I did not find a good setup of mem allocations so far. so, unfortunately 10GB of RAM for the VM is required currently. Maybe we bring it down to 8GB in some future update.
> So, hopefully it works for you, and again, your feedback would be helpful.
> Kind regards,
>  Michael

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