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  • Re: [sw360-dev] Proposal sub project for Eclipse SW360, (continued)
  • [sw360-dev] Welcome Thomas Maier as a new technology.sw360 Committer, portal on behalf of Michael Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] sw360 - virtualbox and linux kernel updates (meltdown and spectre), Maier, Thomas (CT RDA DS EVO OPS APS PI 1)
  • [sw360-dev] sw360 REST API - nginx X-Forward headers for generated HAL Links, Maier, Thomas (CT RDA DS EVO OPS APS PI 1)
  • [sw360-dev] Releases page on github updated, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] Building 33, Room 33.747D (level 7), Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Committer vote for Thomas Maier has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of portal-noreply
  • [sw360-dev] Committer vote for Thomas Maier has concluded successfully, portal on behalf of
  • [sw360-dev] +1 for Thomas Maier on technology.sw360 by Johannes Kristan, portal on behalf of
  • [sw360-dev] +1 for Thomas Maier on technology.sw360 by Alex Borodin, portal on behalf of
  • [sw360-dev] +1 for Thomas Maier on technology.sw360 by Maximilian Huber, portal on behalf of
  • [sw360-dev] Vote for Committer status for Thomas Maier was started by Michael Jaeger, portal on behalf of
  • [sw360-dev] we are in the call for today, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] next meeting in person Nov 16th shifting to when?, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Committer nomination Maximilian Huber, Kristan Johannes (INST-CSS/BSV-OS)
  • [sw360-dev] Bug with user imports, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] logo slides from discussion today., Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] sw360dev tech call, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Automatic closing of issues, Cédric Bodet
  • [sw360-dev] Necessary change for proxies in order to get the current master to work, Leo von Klenze
  • [sw360-dev] Logo suggestions, Kristan Johannes (INST-CSS/BSV-OS)
  • [sw360-dev] ehem, sorry: 1430 possible, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] some wiki update, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Ticket Workshop next week, Borodin, Alex (CT DD DS EVO O APS PI 1)
  • [sw360-dev] Canceled: Monthly SW360 Ticket Workshop, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] merge of pr #421, tagging, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] nxginx and caching of 100s of css files ..., Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] next week ticket workshop, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Michael not in telco today, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] fun - 666 commits to master for sw360 on github!, Michael C. Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] css files problem, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Michael out for today, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Next Monday - proposal to have the telco earlier., Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] delete branches, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Canceled: Weekly SW360 Tech Call: Open Call for Questions, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Canceled: Weekly SW360 Tech Call: Technical Coordination, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Versioning and Milestones, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Project Security Officers, Borodin, Alex (CT DD DS EVO O APS PI 1)
  • [sw360-dev] Welcome Steffen Evers as a new technology.sw360 Committer, portal on behalf of Johannes Kristan
  • [sw360-dev] Telco Today: Notes, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Welcome Kai Toedter as a new technology.sw360 Committer, portal on behalf of Michael Jaeger
  • [sw360-dev] Committer vote for Steffen Evers has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of portal-noreply
  • [sw360-dev] Weekly SW360 Tech Call: Open Call for Questions, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Weekly SW360 Tech Call: Technical Coordination, Jaeger, Michael C.
  • [sw360-dev] Monthly SW360 Ticket Workshop, Jaeger, Michael C.

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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