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  • Re: [technology-pmc] Need a list of things we need exceptions for, (continued)
  • [technology-pmc] More GeoMesa CQs awaiting PMC approval, Jim Hughes
  • [technology-pmc] PMC Minutes 3/4/2015, Jim Hughes
  • [technology-pmc] Filing a CQ; where is the form?, david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx
  • [technology-pmc] Friendly reminder of LocationTech PMC call tomorrow, Andrew Ross
  • [technology-pmc] Meet tomorrow?, Andrew Ross
  • [technology-pmc] Committer vote for Jianping Wang has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Jody Garnett
  • [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Jianping Wang, portal on behalf of emo
  • [technology-pmc] Committer vote for Jake Kenneally has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Wayne Beaton
  • [technology-pmc] Committer vote for Andrew Annex has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Wayne Beaton
  • [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Andrew Annex, portal on behalf of emo
  • [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Jake Kenneally, portal on behalf of emo
  • [technology-pmc] GeoMesa CQs awaiting approval, Jim Hughes
  • [technology-pmc] Committer vote for Eugene Cheipesh has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Jody Garnett
  • [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Eugene Cheipesh, portal on behalf of emo
  • [technology-pmc] Project Lead Meeting 2015-02-11, David Winslow
  • [technology-pmc] Technology PMC: CQ Vote for Geo3d into Spatial4j, david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx
  • [technology-pmc] Works with designation for jai-core Version: 1.1.3, Wayne Beaton
  • [technology-pmc] face to face / hangout tomorrow, Jody Garnett
  • [technology-pmc] Fwd: [location-iwg] Committer vote for Eugene Cheipesh has concluded unsuccessfully, Jody Garnett
  • [technology-pmc] Finding out if Eclipse has a CLA on file for someone, david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx
  • [technology-pmc] git sign-off on contributions, david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx
  • [technology-pmc] Committer vote for Charles Winslow has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Jody Garnett
  • [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Charles Winslow, portal on behalf of emo
  • [technology-pmc] jgrid shift and batch of IP tickets, Jody Garnett
  • [technology-pmc] submitting geogig ip issues, Jody Garnett
  • [technology-pmc] Cancel this Wednesday's meeting & Dec. 24th too, Andrew Ross
  • [technology-pmc] Spark 1.0.1 "works with" designation for GeoMesa, Wayne Beaton
  • [technology-pmc] Hadoop Client 2.2 "Works with" designation for GeoMesa, Wayne Beaton
  • [technology-pmc] Committer vote for Tyler Battle has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of Wayne Beaton
  • [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Tyler Battle, portal on behalf of emo
  • [technology-pmc] CQs requiring PMC intervention, Wayne Beaton
  • [technology-pmc] Status Geoff project, Erdal Karaca
  • [technology-pmc] GeoMesa CQ's, Andrew Ross
  • [technology-pmc] "Works with" dependency for GeoServer (subset), Wayne Beaton

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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