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[technology-pmc] PMC Minutes 3/4/2015

Hi all,

Here are some brief notes from the PMC meeting today:

Several of us are attending/speaking at FOSS4G; see you there!

Upcoming FOSS4G NA BoF sessions:


Andrew Ross
David Smiley
Jim Hughes
Jody Garnett
Rob Emanuele

I reported on GeoMesa's status through the IP process. I added some terse notes here about uploading dependencies which will be bundled in LocationTech released software.

There was a notion that we ought to include information in the poms pointing to the relevant CQs.

As a clarification, only 'subset' artifacts require CQ classifiers. If you get the same jar from Maven Central and LT's Nexus repo, there is no classifier change.

For works-with and test dependencies, our discussion led to the idea that we could use a private Nexus proxy for Maven Central (and likely for the OSGeo repo). I've submitted the bug here:

David reported that he is going again with the IP process to get Spatial4J through LocationTech incubation. The group approved GeoMesa's use of Spatial4J.

Jody noted that the JTS jars available at various Maven repos were bundled by him for GeoTools and contained subsets of JTS. As such, as we upload these jars, we will reference an appropriate CQ in the classifier.

Rob reported that he is submitting CQs for GeoTrellis. Additionally, GeoTrellis will be cutting a 0.10 release before moving their codebase to the LocationTech Github repo.

He provided an update about the SFCurve project which has a proposal here:

Jody bumped the BoF sessions of interest to our projects.

Thanks all,


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