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March 18, 2015
10:28 Re: [technology-pmc] committer training hangout Frank Gasdorf
08:56 Re: [technology-pmc] committer training hangout Wayne Beaton
06:51 Re: [technology-pmc] idea for next meeting Rob Emanuele
06:46 Re: [technology-pmc] committer training hangout Frank Gasdorf
06:36 Re: [technology-pmc] idea for next meeting Frank Gasdorf
March 17, 2015
20:25 [technology-pmc] committer training hangout Jody Garnett
20:22 [technology-pmc] idea for next meeting Jody Garnett
20:07 Re: [technology-pmc] Need a list of things we need exceptions for Jody Garnett
11:48 [technology-pmc] Need a list of things we need exceptions for Andrew Ross
March 08, 2015
14:11 Re: [technology-pmc] More GeoMesa CQs awaiting PMC approval Jim Hughes
13:10 Re: [technology-pmc] More GeoMesa CQs awaiting PMC approval Rob Emanuele
12:44 Re: [technology-pmc] More GeoMesa CQs awaiting PMC approval Frank Gasdorf
March 07, 2015
15:35 Re: [technology-pmc] More GeoMesa CQs awaiting PMC approval Rob Emanuele
15:32 Re: [technology-pmc] More GeoMesa CQs awaiting PMC approval Rob Emanuele
10:06 [technology-pmc] More GeoMesa CQs awaiting PMC approval Jim Hughes
March 04, 2015
18:22 Re: [technology-pmc] PMC Minutes 3/4/2015 Jim Hughes
17:29 Re: [technology-pmc] Filing a CQ; where is the form? Jody Garnett
17:27 Re: [technology-pmc] PMC Minutes 3/4/2015 Jody Garnett
17:18 [technology-pmc] PMC Minutes 3/4/2015 Jim Hughes
17:12 Re: [technology-pmc] Filing a CQ; where is the form? david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx
17:06 Re: [technology-pmc] Filing a CQ; where is the form? Jim Hughes
16:57 Re: [technology-pmc] Filing a CQ; where is the form? david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx
16:50 Re: [technology-pmc] Filing a CQ; where is the form? Jim Hughes
16:32 [technology-pmc] Filing a CQ; where is the form? david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx
15:01 Re: [technology-pmc] Friendly reminder of LocationTech PMC call tomorrow Norman Barker
March 03, 2015
13:43 [technology-pmc] Friendly reminder of LocationTech PMC call tomorrow Andrew Ross
February 25, 2015
14:13 Re: [technology-pmc] Meet tomorrow? Andrew Ross
11:19 Re: [technology-pmc] Meet tomorrow? Norman Barker
February 24, 2015
23:09 Re: [technology-pmc] Meet tomorrow? Jody Garnett
17:16 Re: [technology-pmc] Meet tomorrow? Jim Hughes
16:10 [technology-pmc] Meet tomorrow? Andrew Ross
February 18, 2015
18:01 Re: [technology-pmc] Project Lead Meeting 2015-02-11 Jody Garnett
17:53 [technology-pmc] Committer vote for Jianping Wang has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Jody Garnett
16:48 [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Jianping Wang portal on behalf of emo
15:34 Re: [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Andrew Annex Rob Emanuele
15:26 Re: [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Andrew Annex Wayne Beaton
15:19 [technology-pmc] Committer vote for Jake Kenneally has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Wayne Beaton
15:19 [technology-pmc] Committer vote for Andrew Annex has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Wayne Beaton
15:16 Re: [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Andrew Annex Rob Emanuele
15:10 [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Andrew Annex portal on behalf of emo
15:09 [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Jake Kenneally portal on behalf of emo
14:55 Re: [technology-pmc] Project Lead Meeting 2015-02-11 Jim Hughes
13:27 Re: [technology-pmc] GeoMesa CQs awaiting approval Jim Hughes
February 17, 2015
09:58 Re: [technology-pmc] Technology PMC: CQ Vote for Geo3d into Spatial4j david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx
01:39 Re: [technology-pmc] GeoMesa CQs awaiting approval Jody Garnett
00:24 Re: [technology-pmc] Technology PMC: CQ Vote for Geo3d into Spatial4j Rob Emanuele
00:14 Re: [technology-pmc] GeoMesa CQs awaiting approval david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx
00:08 Re: [technology-pmc] Technology PMC: CQ Vote for Geo3d into Spatial4j david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx
February 16, 2015
12:56 Re: [technology-pmc] GeoMesa CQs awaiting approval Jody Garnett
12:54 Re: [technology-pmc] Technology PMC: CQ Vote for Geo3d into Spatial4j Jody Garnett
February 15, 2015
22:41 [technology-pmc] GeoMesa CQs awaiting approval Jim Hughes
February 14, 2015
21:38 Re: [technology-pmc] Technology PMC: CQ Vote for Geo3d into Spatial4j david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx
February 12, 2015
09:33 [technology-pmc] Committer vote for Eugene Cheipesh has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Jody Garnett
February 11, 2015
22:13 [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Eugene Cheipesh portal on behalf of emo
15:26 Re: [technology-pmc] Technology PMC: CQ Vote for Geo3d into Spatial4j Jody Garnett
15:23 Re: [technology-pmc] Technology PMC: CQ Vote for Geo3d into Spatial4j Jody Garnett
11:56 [technology-pmc] Project Lead Meeting 2015-02-11 David Winslow
09:38 [technology-pmc] Technology PMC: CQ Vote for Geo3d into Spatial4j david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx
February 10, 2015
15:32 Re: [technology-pmc] Works with designation for jai-core Version: 1.1.3 Jody Garnett
15:14 Re: [technology-pmc] Works with designation for jai-core Version: 1.1.3 Jim Hughes
14:57 Re: [technology-pmc] Works with designation for jai-core Version: 1.1.3 Jody Garnett
14:10 [technology-pmc] Works with designation for jai-core Version: 1.1.3 Wayne Beaton
13:30 [technology-pmc] face to face / hangout tomorrow Jody Garnett
08:10 [technology-pmc] Fwd: [location-iwg] Committer vote for Eugene Cheipesh has concluded unsuccessfully Jody Garnett
February 05, 2015
22:16 Re: [technology-pmc] Finding out if Eclipse has a CLA on file for someone david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx
21:19 Re: [technology-pmc] Finding out if Eclipse has a CLA on file for someone Wayne Beaton
00:47 [technology-pmc] Finding out if Eclipse has a CLA on file for someone david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx
January 29, 2015
12:14 Re: [technology-pmc] git sign-off on contributions Wayne Beaton
11:59 Re: [technology-pmc] git sign-off on contributions david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx
11:16 Re: [technology-pmc] git sign-off on contributions Wayne Beaton
00:36 Re: [technology-pmc] git sign-off on contributions Jody Garnett
January 28, 2015
23:13 Re: [technology-pmc] git sign-off on contributions david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx
20:01 Re: [technology-pmc] git sign-off on contributions Jody Garnett
January 27, 2015
16:42 [technology-pmc] git sign-off on contributions david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx
January 20, 2015
16:41 [technology-pmc] Committer vote for Charles Winslow has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Jody Garnett
16:41 [technology-pmc] Committer vote for Victor Olaya has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Jody Garnett
09:29 [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Victor Olaya portal on behalf of emo
09:29 [technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Charles Winslow portal on behalf of emo
January 13, 2015
14:05 Re: [technology-pmc] jgrid shift and batch of IP tickets Wayne Beaton
January 07, 2015
18:32 Re: [technology-pmc] jgrid shift and batch of IP tickets Jody Garnett
15:51 Re: [technology-pmc] jgrid shift and batch of IP tickets Rob Emanuele
14:44 Re: [technology-pmc] jgrid shift and batch of IP tickets Jody Garnett
14:27 Re: [technology-pmc] jgrid shift and batch of IP tickets Rob Emanuele
12:29 Re: [technology-pmc] jgrid shift and batch of IP tickets Jody Garnett
January 05, 2015
19:35 [technology-pmc] jgrid shift and batch of IP tickets Jody Garnett
December 09, 2014
23:23 Re: [technology-pmc] submitting geogig ip issues Wayne Beaton
14:17 [technology-pmc] submitting geogig ip issues Jody Garnett
13:59 Re: [technology-pmc] "Works with" dependency for GeoServer (subset) Wayne Beaton
December 08, 2014
16:49 Re: [technology-pmc] "Works with" dependency for GeoServer (subset) Jody Garnett
December 05, 2014
20:02 Re: [technology-pmc] "Works with" dependency for GeoServer (subset) david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx
19:24 Re: [technology-pmc] "Works with" dependency for GeoServer (subset) Jody Garnett
19:22 Re: [technology-pmc] "Works with" dependency for GeoServer (subset) Jody Garnett
19:08 Re: [technology-pmc] "Works with" dependency for GeoServer (subset) Jody Garnett
December 04, 2014
15:07 Re: [technology-pmc] "Works with" dependency for GeoServer (subset) Wayne Beaton
December 02, 2014
15:24 Re: [technology-pmc] "Works with" dependency for GeoServer (subset) Frank Gasdorf
November 28, 2014
17:40 Re: [technology-pmc] "Works with" dependency for GeoServer (subset) Jody Garnett
17:22 Re: [technology-pmc] Spark 1.0.1 "works with" designation for GeoMesa Jody Garnett
November 25, 2014
11:08 Re: [technology-pmc] Hadoop Client 2.2 "Works with" designation for GeoMesa Jody Garnett
November 24, 2014
16:13 Re: [technology-pmc] Spark 1.0.1 "works with" designation for GeoMesa Rob Emanuele
16:12 Re: [technology-pmc] Hadoop Client 2.2 "Works with" designation for GeoMesa Rob Emanuele

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