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Re: [technology-pmc] Project Lead Meeting 2015-02-11

Hi all,

Regarding letting committers have upload access to Nexus, who should I follow-up with?  I'm hoping to get started on that soon. 

On the note of working Cloudera and Hortonworks, I'm considering targeting CDH 5.3.1 and HDP 2.1.5.  Is there any additional feedback?  GeoTrellis guys?



On 02/11/2015 11:56 AM, David Winslow wrote:
Hi all, I took notes during todays meeting at the OSGeo code sprint in Philly (with one remote caller, thanks Amed.)  This is just a rough cut so please reply with any needed corrections.


attendees: Andrew Ross, Jody Garnett (UDig), Rob and Eugene (GeoTrellis), Jim (GeoMesa), Diego g3m, Howard Butler (libspatialindex) David Winslow (GeoGig), Amed (GeoJinni)

What is locationtech, what's the board, what is the upcoming election?
What's going on with the LocationTech/Eclipse maven repository

  • Eclipse Foundation committer elections coming up
    • LocationTech PMC should hold our own committer elections to find a volunteer to have a seat on LocationTech steering committee.
    • LocationTech emulates Eclipse Foundation structure and policies. Two governing bodies - Eclipse Foundation Board has guaranteed seats for strategic members and elected committer seats for project participants.
    • Three candidates for elected seats this year:
      • John ??? (Supporter of LocationTech)
      • Ed Mercks (Eclipse Modelling)
      • Jay Billings (Science working group). Science and Geo similar in that they are not IDE extensions (for the most part.)  Jay understands some of the unique situation that LocationTech is in.
  • LocationTech steering committee involves one, 1-hour meeting per month. PMC looks at prerequisites before IP team reviews potential new projects.
  • Organizing the "non-IDE" participants that are under Eclipse Foundation could help us to get a committer seat in the future.
  • Andrew to coordinate votes for the committer and participant elections.  Anyone interested in running should put together a statement about their vision for the community and contact Andrew.
Portal updates
  • Some committers failed to be approved after migrating to LocationTech.  The approval voting process is multiple steps and if not all are completed then eventually the nomination is rejected.
  • IP review process - no one approves their own reviews. Keep discussion on the PMC mailing list.
    • GPL libraries unacceptable
    • LGPL requires unanimous board approval
    • Weird cases (EPSG database, JAI) contact Andrew
  • LocationTech Maven repository - IP team is set up for Orbit (OSGI bundles, not maven artifacts.)
    • As artifacts are approved for distribution the IP team uploads to Orbit.  Not set up to upload to Maven repo.
    • Current process for getting artifacts into maven repo is to create bugzilla ticket and have Wayne upload it.
    • Andrew working on getting committers access to Nexus.
    • Jim Hughes moves to allow all committers upload access to the Nexus repository. Seconded by Jody Garnett.
  • Action item: Raise EPSG database licensing concerns with steering committee. <Jody Garnett> 
Andrew reminds everyone that IP review is important but not the community.  Community comes from participation in events like the LocationTech tour and OSGeo sprint and encouraging new members to participate in our projects.  LocationTech can host additional events as part of the LocationTech tour, just issue pull requests against the locationtech web site to set one up.  EventBrite invites needed as well.

GeoTrellis and GeoMesa collaborating on a space-filling curve library.  Seeking a good name (SFCurve? Bent? GeoZigZag? Spackle?)

GeoMesa IP review: Hadoop JARs used for MapReduce.  Auxiliary facilities such as ZooKeeper needed but not included with project (declared as "works with" dependency.)  If we list specific versions in the IP review is that sufficient, even though other versions might be used in deployment? Yes. However LocationTech would probably benefit from coordinating to use common versions of these external dependencies across projects.

libspatialindex: As the lone C/C++ project in the room, we're curious about how we can support the "10 minute startup" model.  Don't benefit from Nexus or Orbit, rely on linux distributions etc. to package artifacts for different platforms.

David Winslow

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