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  • Re: [ve-dev] Are factory methods supported by Visual Editor?, (continued)
  • [ve-dev] Customize Layout problem..., murat kuyluk
  • [ve-dev] Migrations to VE 1.2, Rich Kulp
  • Re: [ve-dev] VE Extension Tutorial - What do you want to see ?, D L
  • AW: [ve-dev] "plugin.xml" & "runtime library", HÖSS . Alexander
  • [ve-dev] "plugin.xml" & "runtime library", Donald Scott
  • [ve-dev] Output Code To Another Language (Lua), Evan Wies
  • AW: [ve-dev] VE Extension Tutorial - What do you want to see ?, HÖSS . Alexander
  • AW: AW: AW: [ve-dev] VE with XML Persistence, HÖSS . Alexander
  • AW: AW: [ve-dev] VE with XML Persistence, HÖSS . Alexander
  • AW: [ve-dev] VE with XML Persistence, HÖSS . Alexander
  • [ve-dev] VE with XML Persistence, HÖSS . Alexander
  • [ve-dev] How to generate XML instead of Java in VEP, Sinha, Ujjwal(GE Healthcare)
  • [ve-dev] ktable or something like it in eclipse, Mark Proctor
  • [ve-dev] XY-Layout support in Visual Editor, Rashmi H. Ramachandra
  • [ve-dev] org.eclipse.jem API, Rich Kulp
  • [ve-dev] Java 5, Janak Mulani
  • [ve-dev] XY-Layout Support in Ve, Rashmi H. Ramachandra
  • [ve-dev] [Fwd: [] Eclipse Release Train Name Contest], David J. Orme
  • [ve-dev] Customised Swing layout manager, Rashmi H. Ramachandra
  • [ve-dev] creationClassURI, Ali Ikinci

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