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Re: [ve-dev] VE Extension Tutorial - What do you want to see ?


On 10/09/05, David J. Orme <djo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Of course, I'd love to see XSWT integrated and used as the basis for a
> new tutorial...
> Regards,
> Dave Orme
> Dylan Bruzenak wrote:
> >
> > Joe Winchester and I have been having a discussion over on the
> > newsgroup about cooking up a VE extension tutorial.  We are looking
> > for input as to what areas this should cover (code generation,
> > persistence in other formats like xml, custom palettes, ect).  What
> > are you interested in seeing ?  What do you think would be most
> > helpful to people just starting to dip their toes into the api ?  What
> > would be most useful for more veteran extenders who are looking to
> > make some serious changes to the way the VE works ?
> > Once we get a range of ideas we can start to narrow down the focus of
> > the tutorial.  It is likely to start on the easier end of the scale.
> > If that tutorial is helpful more advanced pieces will likely follow.
> > We are also looking for people who may be interested in giving input
> > on the content, possibly contributing, and reviewing the piece once we
> > have cobbled it together.
> > Any takers ?
> >
> > Dylan Bruzenak
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