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Re: [ve-dev] ktable or something like it in eclipse

KTable was originally written by Friederich Kupzog, fkmk@xxxxxxxxx, and can be located at:
The last release there was 1.4, it was relicensed to EPL on version 1.3.

Lorenz Maierhofer, lorenz.maierhofer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, took over the project and moved it to sourceforge where it is currently at version 1.9. He has been recently active in informing people of KTable in the BUG - "Provide improved table and table tree widgets".

I think its great that VE is getting advanced table support, I personally don't mind what library is used as long as we have a great offering that is actively maintained and part of the Eclipse platform. Hopefully you can all work together for maximum benefit, I have CC'd KTable authors. I dont know which implementation is best but there are screenshots on the sourceforge website and here are the KTable 1.9 release notes:
The features of this table implementation in short terms:

- a table model provides the data for the table (comparable
  to the Swing table model)
- cell rendering is done by extern classes and thus can easily
  be changed to any rendering one could imagine...
- Columns and rows can be resized by mouse. Note that all rows
  except the first row will have the same size.
- There can be horizontal and vertical headers (fixed cells)
  as many as needed.
- Different selection modes are available
- In place editing is possibel by using editor classes that
  can easily be adjusted to special needs.
- Cells may span over several columns and/or rows.
For a detailed function description refer to the api documentation that 
is included in the sourcefiles.

For examples how to use KTable, see the "ExampleGUI" class. You can 
run this class and see different examples of KTables.

Text Table   
- Shows a Table with 100 rows and 100 columns.
- Row selection mode is demonstrated - with properly configured cellrenderers.
- The use of cell editors is shown (textcelleditor and combocelleditor).
- You can resize rows and columns.
- Selection Listeners are used (see the console output).
Boolean Table   
- Demonstrates a huge table (1000000x1000000).
- Operates with boolean values and shows them using CheckableCellRenderer.
- Demonstrates the usage of KTableCellEditorCheckbox2 which is only sensitive for activation at a specific region of the cell.
- Cells that have focus are also shown in the fixed cells (like in Excel)
Span Table      
- Demonstrates the cell spanning feature. Cells in the content area always span over 2 rows and 2 columns.
Sortable Table	
- Demonstrates the usage of a KTableSortedModel and the appropriate usage of KTableSortComparator.
- Shows how sort indicators are painted to column headers.
- Shows how cells that span react when the table is sorted.
- Multi-Selection-Mode is on.
Color Palette	
-Here you can see that a table does not have to look like a table...
- See how the cell renderer is implemented and what the table model does.
-This example shows how images can be included in table cells together with text. It also shows the use of the multi line cell editor.
David J. Orme wrote:
Hi Mark,

A few questions:

1) Who are the author(s) of KTable?  Can we track down everyone who contributed code to KTable?

2) What is the license?

I have written a CompositeTable that does a lot of the same things, plus is designed to work seamlessly with the Sweet data binding framework we are working on with Platform/UI.

So if there's not much overlap in functionality, maybe we would be interested.  But otherwise probably not.

Best regards,

Dave Orme

Mark Proctor wrote:

Just found a maintained branch of ktable, which is getting pretty advanced now:
Its mentioned in:
and supprts - sorting, fixed cells, spanning cells on top of standard ktable features.

Hopefully now this is maturing it increases its chances of standard adoption within some aspect of eclipse.


Mark Proctor wrote:

I've raised this in both platform-ui-dev and platform-swt-dev and each time it raises interest, but it seems its not getting any ownership - ie I'm obviously not getting through to the right stakeholders. So I thought I would try here, as ktable, or something like ktable being supported in VE would be awesome - and hopefully you people might know who best to pass this information onto.

Someone has blogged my recent ktable lobbying efforts -

Here is a copy of my email with a quick list of arguments of the top of my head:
Was chatting on irc to a developer - as ktable is available independantly he didn't see the need to include ktable. He compared this to GTK+ saying there is not much of a call beyond their existing table support, so why should we need this for eclipse. I argued this from several points.
1) ktable us there, why not use it.
2) If you want swt/jface to be seen as an alternative, whether you like it or not, you are going to need to include equivalent, if not better, functionality.
3) Flexible table support is something probably used enough to warrant it being included as standard
4) External libraries can suffer from abandonware, with something important as ktable this is not something you want to happen. I dont believe ktable is abondoned, just that it works for the developers needs - howver no release in over a year is always worrying when choosing your dependencies.
5) Maybe Java development culture is different to GTK+, people prefer that the functionality works out of the box rather than googling for some random library that might do the job.

Anyway just some random points I could think of. I'm sure this can be argued either way - but my gut feeling is that advanced table support is something that is needed and should be available as part of the eclipse patform.

And here is one of my original emails trawling the internet about interest in a ktable like widget:
I don't know if this is the right place to raise this - doesn't seem to be a jface specific mailing list.

Anway a little while ago I raised the need for a jtable like widget as swt table is far too limited, I found ktable (which is based on jtable but written for eclipse), it worked very well. I recommended ktable for inclusion in SWT, but was informed that its emulated and thus out of scope for SWT and belongs with JFace.

Anyway KTable development has stopped, last release was Mar 04 2004, which makes people nervous about using abandonware. So while people are thinking of 3.2 features I would like to put my vote for flexible and powerfull table features being included as standard in eclipse - so it hopefully gains momentum/backing.

ktable ->

I've noticed the need for this in some bugzilla's:

request for this in blogs:

and from news/mailing lists:
... lots more, but you get the idea that "maybe try ktable" is littered throught the mailing lists.

ktable used in Logic MindGuide -


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