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Re: [ve-dev] creationClassURI

Dr Gili Mendel wrote:

> What are the symptoms when it does not function (any .log entries?).

With creationClassURI="MyPanel" :

Unhandled event loop exception
MyPanel (No such file or directory)
Unhandled event loop exception
MyPanel (No such file or directory)

> Also, is the URI the only change in the palette contribution?


>  ... Also, how is MyPanel contributed to the project?

As an extension to JPanel (MyPanel extends JPanel). This does function
because I tried it as a normal Bean and everything is like expected.

>  Is the source in the project?

Yes in the src folder :

The problem should be the environment and/or the creationClassURI tag.

> ------------
> Dr. Gili Mendel
> Software Development
> RTP Raleigh, NC
> (919)543 6408, tie: 441 6408
> *Ali Ikinci <aikinci@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>*
> Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> 08/24/2005 07:53 AM
> Please respond to
> Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project
> To
> 	ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> cc
> Subject
> 	[ve-dev] creationClassURI
> Hi,
> I developed an extension to the ve palette, namely MyPalette with
> MyPanel. Made my xmi file and when I launch a test application then my
> Button with my Icon and the right naming is there, but it doesn't
> function. If I write creationClassURI="java:/javax.swing#JPanel" to
> myuibeanscats.xmi then my Button creates JPanels. So all I have to do is
> to fill the right value to creationClassURI for my Class MyPanel , or do
> I have to modifiy my environment in any way. Reading the articles on the
> VEP site didn't help really.
> Thanks
> Ali Ikinci
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