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Re: [ve-dev] Output Code To Another Language (Lua)

JVE is modeled using EMF.  CodeGen translate this model to Java.  CodeGen also caches this model (in XMI, which is an XML meta description).  
Put a breakpoint in VEModelCacheUtility.doSaveCache().  Make a change in the file, and press save.

Potentially, you can hook up a "save" action to convert the model (rooted on the BeanSubClassComposition) to anything you want.

Dr. Gili Mendel
Software Development
RTP Raleigh, NC
(919)543 6408, tie: 441 6408

Evan Wies <evan@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

09/12/2005 02:53 PM

Please respond to
Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project

[ve-dev] Output Code To Another Language (Lua)


I am interested in having VE output SWT code to a language besides
Java.  Specifically, I want it to output Lua code.  [I am using SWT in
Lua using LuaJava.]

I don't really need round-trip functionality, mostly because I imagine
it is a larger project than I am prepared to undertake.

Looking at the archives, it appears that there has been talk recently
about emitting XML instead of Java.  Unless I missed something, this
information was mostly in the context of writing a tutorial about it.

In lieu of the tutorial, can anybody point me to the relevant extension
points and classes so I can monkey-see-monkey-do?

I suppose another option would be to output to XML and then transform


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