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jdt-ui-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • [jdt-ui-dev] Doc work, Olivier Thomann
  • [jdt-ui-dev] RC4 Test plan, Dirk Baeumer
  • [jdt-ui-dev] JDT UI's submission for I20050616-1200, Dirk Baeumer
  • [jdt-ui-dev] 3.1 RC3 Fixes For JDT/UI for N20050616-0010, Dirk Baeumer
  • [jdt-ui-dev] 3.1 RC3 fixes from JDT/UI, Dirk Baeumer
  • [jdt-ui-dev] RC3 test plan, Dirk Baeumer
  • [jdt-ui-dev] unit testing long-running operations, Danny Dig
  • [jdt-ui-dev] How to get the reference of the Java Element undermodification on the JavaEditor, prabhakars
  • [jdt-ui-dev] IContentAssistProcessor implementation, Gary Horen
  • [jdt-ui-dev] auto-insertable proposals, Tom Eicher
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Problems with db connection on plugin, majed chatti
  • [jdt-ui-dev] java interface to a SQLITE BD, majed chatti
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Test Pass One for JDT UI/Text, Platform Text/Search/Compare, Martin Aeschlimann
  • [jdt-ui-dev] New Open Type Dialog, Dirk Baeumer
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Needs HEAD of ui.workbench and core.commands, Daniel Megert
  • [jdt-ui-dev] jdt.ui needs v_522a of jdt.core, Markus Keller
  • [jdt-ui-dev] new version of APT configurability requirements and functional description document, Gary Horen
  • [jdt-ui-dev] APT feature configuration requirements, Gary Horen
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Question concerning the reconciler, Olivier Thomann
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Keep MANIFEST.MF in Sync with Packages, Daniel Megert
  • [jdt-ui-dev] JDT/UI is requesting a rebuild to address bug 89739, Dirk Baeumer
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Contribution for the 8pm build, Dirk Baeumer
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Platform Text and JDT Text Contributions to I20040331-1600, Daniel Megert
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Platform Text and JDT Text Contributions to I20040331-1200, Daniel Megert
  • [jdt-ui-dev] JDT/UI & Search contributions to I20040331-1200, Dirk Baeumer
  • [jdt-ui-dev] M6 test plan, Martin Aeschlimann
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Expected failure in JDT/UI refactoring test, Olivier Thomann
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Visibility of JavaNode, Beat Fluri
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Non *.java file association with Java contents (71460), Gary Horen
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Accessing the MethodExitsFinder function, wspear
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Java Browsing Perspecitve, Ori Calvo
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Heads Up: EPL Migration At 12:00 CET, Daniel Megert
  • [jdt-ui-dev] HEAD of JDT/UI needs HEAG of JDT/Core <eom>, Dirk Baeumer
  • [jdt-ui-dev] HEAD of LTK refactoring plug-ins needs org.eclipse.core.commands plug-in <eom>, Dirk Baeumer
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Build Submission For I20050217-1600, Daniel Megert
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Build Submission For I20050217-0800, Daniel Megert
  • [jdt-ui-dev] 3.1M5 test plan for JDT/UI, JDT/Text, Platform/Search, and Platform/Text, Markus Keller
  • [jdt-ui-dev] preferences, Gabone
  • [jdt-ui-dev] RFC: preliminary 3.1M5 test plan for JDT/UI, JDT/Text, Platform/Search, and Platform/Text, Markus Keller
  • [jdt-ui-dev] jdt-ui head needs head of jdt-core, Tom Eicher
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Change icons associated with Problem Markers?, Viraj Paripatyadar
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Breaking API change for TypeParameter#resolveBinding(), Jerome Lanneluc
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Refactoring, "Scope Minimization", Bob Herrmann
  • [jdt-ui-dev] About the Outline View & Java Editors, Viraj Paripatyadar
  • [jdt-ui-dev] HEAD of jdt-ui needs HEAD of jface.text, Tom Eicher
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Combined M4 test plan for JDT/UI, JDT/Text, Platform/Search and Platform/Text, Christof Marti
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Andrew B Mccullough/Charlotte/IBM is out of the office., Andrew B Mccullough
  • [jdt-ui-dev] JDT/UI from HEAD needs JDT/Core >= v_526, Markus Keller
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Latest org.eclipse.jdt.ui needs latest org.eclipse.ui.editors, Daniel Megert
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Combined M3 test plan for JDT/UI, JDT/Text, Platform/Search and Platform/Text, Dirk Baeumer
  • [jdt-ui-dev] text annotation, Archana
  • [jdt-ui-dev] subclassed from NewTypeWizardPage, wupei
  • [jdt-ui-dev] PullUpTests#testGenericsFail0, Jerome Lanneluc
  • [jdt-ui-dev] RFC: 3.1-M2 test grid for JDT-UI, Text, Tom Eicher
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Out of the office, Dirk Baeumer
  • [jdt-ui-dev] How to run org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests from workbench?, Markus Barchfeld
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Urgent: Java Source Code Manipulation, Nima Bahrami Farid
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Combined 3.0.1 Test Plan for JDT UI, JDT Text, Platform Text, Platform Search and Platform Compare., Daniel Megert
  • [jdt-ui-dev] adding an action before saving, bertrand lancelot
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Gleb Sturov/Ottawa/IBM is out of the office., Gleb Sturov
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Testing 3.1 M1, Kai-Uwe Maetzel
  • [jdt-ui-dev] Out of Office, Dirk Baeumer

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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