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[jdt-ui-dev] auto-insertable proposals

Hi list,

We have added new API in ICompletionProposalExtension4 so that completion proposals can specify whether they can be automatically inserted or not (see For N20050519, I have set the following completion proposals to *not* be auto-insertable. If you feel that this list is too restrictive or too lenient, please let the list know.

- tom


Proposals that are no longer auto-inserted (even if the auto-insert preference is enabled in the code assist settings):

A) New method proposals
- Override / implement method
- Getter / setter creation
- Add new method

B) Anonymous type creation

C) Most java templates

These proposals stay auto-insertable (if the auto-insert preference is enabled in the code assist settings):

A) All normal type, method, variable, keyword etc. proposals
B) Templates
- All javadoc templates (<code>null</code> and similar)
- Logging templates: sys{out,err,trace}

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