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Re: [jdt-ui-dev] Question concerning the reconciler

I can speak for quick fixes that work on the reconciled AST and are accessing AST nodes and bindings very locally; around a problem or at the cursor position and bindings of the context (surrounding method, type...) and some bindings reachable through these bindings (super type, parameter types, etc). My guess is that the average quick fix accesses 3 - 4 bindings.
The highest binding consumer on the reconciled AST is probably 'mark occurrence' using the binding directly at nodes, but then no bindings reachable from that binding (e.g. declared methods, super type..)

A lazy approach to create (and even evaluate) bindings seems to be most suited for these use cases.

Hope that helps

Olivier Thomann <Olivier_Thomann@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: jdt-ui-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

08.04.2005 18:04

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"Eclipse JDT UI developers list." <jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[jdt-ui-dev] Question concerning the reconciler


In order to know how I can fix, I'd like to know what operations are done on the DOM/AST tree once it is returned by the reconciler. I didn't see a performance test that is specific to the reconciling of a compilation unit.

The attached patch might end up with slower performance if the bindings like fields and methods are never requested for the requested units, but if these bindings are retrieved frequently, the patch won't impact the speed and it will save memory.

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