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[jdt-ui-dev] Platform Text and JDT Text Contributions to I20040331-1200

We have submitted the following fixes for the I20050331-1200 build:

85519 [implementation] saveAs existing file fails - content rep...
88995 [projection] Deleting line with folded javadoc comment on...
89475 [projection] selection preservation not properly handled
89496 [nls tooling] Illegal state exception when previewing cha...
89501 [nls tooling] NPE in externalize string wizard
89551 [content assist] Order of completion proposals does not s...
89553 [nls tooling] Exception during Externalize... with no key
89621 [code assist] the caret position is wrong after code assist
89817 [content assist] NPE in JavaTypeCompletionProposal


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