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[jdt-ui-dev] Combined 3.0.1 Test Plan for JDT UI, JDT Text, Platform Text, Platform Search and Platform Compare.

Here is the combined 3.0.1 test plan for JDT UI, JDT Text, Platform Text,
Platform Search and Platform Compare.
Feel free to join in if you would like to help.

Dirk and Dani

(See attached file: 3.0.1_TestGrid.html)
Title: 3.0.1 Test Grid

3.0.1 Test Grid

Friday, September 10, 2004


This test grid covers the following components

  • JDT UI
  • Platform/JDT Text
  • Platform Search
  • Platform Compare


  • verify all bugs fixed in 3.0.1
  • sanity check performance
  • sanity check areas affected by code changes


  • André
  • Dani
  • Dirk
  • Kai
  • Markus (tests under Linux)
  • Martin
  • Tobias
  • Christoph

Sanity Check Build (everybody)

Sanity check is done by using the build for daily development.
André will test under MAC OS/X.

Performance Check Build (Dani)

Format All (Markus)

Format various kinds of files from the package explorer. Format whole
JUnit or other "little" projects. Check that the formatted is formatted
and that the format makes sense (no need to check the formatting result
in detail).

Copy/Paste Resources and Java elements from within the Package Explorer (Dani, Markus)

  • paste to destination != source
  • paste to destination != source where source already contains resource to be copied into
    • test the scenarios of skip, override and cancel
  • paste to destination == source
    • test cancel and new name scenario
  In all cases test that the copy was successful and produced a correct result.

Text Search (Markus, Dani)
  • search for strings that contain MessageFormat meta characters like ' and {. Make sure the string is found correctly and that the search view presents the string correctly in its pane bar.
  • search case-insensitive for strings that contain upper case characters above 127 (e.g. ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ). Make sure that all matches are found and have an eye on performance. Also test that strings with all characters below 127 works as before.

Code Impact From Encoding Changes (Dirk, Dani)

Load 3.0.1 code and check all resource and element delta listeners for correctness: test that the listener handles kind=CHANGED correctly i.e. does not execute code if the new encoding flag is set.

Editors (Markus, Kai)

  • test case-insensitive Find/Replace using non-ASCII (e.g. ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ) and ASCII characters
  • test copy/paste in Java editor (see bug 70077) especially with enabled smart import
  • encoding
    • change encoding of a file, folder and workspace and see how it affects
      • views and text editor in Java perspective (especially Package Explorer)
      • views and Java editor in Java Browsing perspective
  • test Save and Save All in text and Java editors (see bug 67590)
  • test if dirty state of editors is correct (see bug 67590)
  • part activation
    • verify that parts are correctly shown after restarted
    • click on editor tabs to activate not yet created editors

Bug Verification (Dirk, Dani)

Verify all fixed bugs with target 3.0.1.

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