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Re: [jdt-ui-dev] IContentAssistProcessor implementation


see my comments inline.

 we are looking into providing content assistance
 within annotation elements.

 the JavaCompletionProcessor is not capable of providing
 completion proposals for contexts that are inside of String literals,

This is correct: there are currently no proposals inside of strings. ICompletionProcessors are registered per partition type, and there is currently none for Java string literals.

The Java editor currently does not have such a completion processor, and neither does it allow to contribute processors to it (see bugzilla for the relevant bug report). To play with it, subclass JavaSourceViewerConfiguration and replace/extend getContentAssistant().

 Another example of a value content assistant might understand that
 the string literal is a reference to a Java type, and call code
 currently in the JDT to acquire completion proposals.
 My questions are:

 1. Do we need a new ITypedRegion to dispatch such a content

Not necessarily - you could also register an ICompletionProcessor for the IJavaPartitions.JAVA_STRING partition type which would be smart enough (since it can reconcile and have access to the AST) to detect whether it is being called from within an annotation element list and only return proposals if so.

A example for a similar approach is javadoc: you only get proposals in some special situations (@tags, <markup>, inside {@links}).

 2. Is introducing a new ITypedRegion into a Java source
 document dangerous? Will its presence interfere with something else?

It migth. Partitions are set up by an IDocumentPartitioner currently using a scanner system separate from the compiler's lexer / scanner / parser, so adding another partition type may not be trivial. Also note that partitions do not support nesting, so it would not be possible to nest the ANNOTATION_ELEMENT type inside JAVA_STRING.

Also, quite many places that deal with the JAVA_STRING partition type would have to be adapted to also work with the additional partition type - for example auto-indenters, autoclosing etc.

Therefore, I think creating an intelligent completion processor for string partitions would be the more compatible approach.


Also note that code assist in annotation element lists would be interesting not just for APT, but also other annotations with string arguments - @SuppressWarnings comes to my mind.


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