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[jdt-ui-dev] Combined M4 test plan for JDT/UI, JDT/Text, Platform/Search and Platform/Text


enclosed a combined test plan for JDT/Text, JDT/UI, Platform/Search, and

Testing will take place tomorrow (Wednesday, December 15) as stated on the
M4 build schedule.

Feel free to send an email to the list or directly to me if you would like
to join in for this test pass.


(See attached file: M4_Test_Plan.html)
(See attached file:
Title: M4 Test Grid for JDT/UI and Text Components

M4 Test Grid for JDT/UI and Text Components

Test day: Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Components: JDT/Text, JDT/UI, Platform/Search and Platform/Text
Testers: Martin Aeschlimann, Daniel Megert, Markus Keller, Dirk Baeumer, Erol Koc, Tobias Widmer, Tom Eicher, Kai-Uwe Maetzel and Christof Marti

Bug verification (all)

Verify P1 and P2 bugs fixed during M4:

Misc (Dirk, Kai)

  • Hyperlink Support:
    • verify that shared preferences work for Text editor
    • verify URL hyperlinking in Text editor
  • Occurrences in File:
    • test Quick menu (Ctrl+Shift+U)
    • verify that it is possible to reassign Ctrl+Shift+U to directly search occurrences in file
  • Pasting:
    • should insert elements in correct order
  • Project wizard asks to change compliance to 5.0 if 5.0 JDK is detected
  • test keyboard support to open Quick Outline view menu (Ctrl + F10)

Refactoring Part I (Martin, Tom)

  • Rename JavaProject, Package, Field, Type:
    • should work with all 5.0 features  (Rename Method / Change Method Signature: do not work with 5.0 features due to missing generic search engine)
  • Rename Method and Change Method Signature:
    • Test scenarios with overridden methods (only 1.4 code)
    • verify that all ripple methods are found
  • Change Method Signature:
    • Change non-generic parameter types to parameterized types (e.g. List -> List<List<String>>)
    • verify input checking in dialog
    • Note: CMS does not yet work on methods whose header already contains parameterized types
  • Extract Local Variable:
    • should remember 'final' and 'replace all' settings from previous invocation
  • Inline Local Variable:
    • should work on enums and generic types
  • Move Member Type To New File:
    • should work on nested enums and annotations
    • check for correct 'this' qualification
  • Move Method:
    • check correct deprecation message
    • option to generate delegate
    • visibility
    • correct inlining
    • correct adaption of Javadoc
    • correct handling of binary references
    • handling of vararg arguments

Refactoring Part II (Erol, Kai)

  • Overall Refactorings:
    • should be enabled on enums and annotations where reasonable
  • Move Static Members:
    • no unused imports
  • Extract Interface:
    • should be enabled on classes and enums only
    • correct interfaces from generic types with several type bounds and wildcards (references to the refactored type are not yet updated to the extracted interface in case of generic types)
  • Push Down / Pull Up:
    • no unused imports in moves between different compilation units
    • visibility
  • Extract method:
    • test inside enums, anonymous enums, generic types and generic methods
    • test extracting code that referes to a type parameter defined by the class
    • test extracting code that referes to a type parameter defined by the method. Should generate a generic method.
  • Inline method:
    • test with enums and anoymous enums
  • Self Encapsulate Field:
    • test inside enums, anonymous enums, generic types
    • test with field where the type is a type parameter
  • Surround With try/catch:
    • test inside enums, anonymous enums, generic types and generic methods

Quick Fix (Dani, Markus)

  • change to 5.0 compliance when 5.0 constructs are used in 1.4 source
  • change field to method (e.g., -> System.getProperties())
  • type parameter Javadoc tags  @param <A>
  • Javadoc comment linked positions for comments, e.g., add missing param tag -> linked position after @param
  • add unimplemented methods for generics and method type parameters
  • general testing of quick fixes in generic types and enums
  • Serial Version Quick Fix:
    • should work on generic, anonymous and nested types
    • correct generation of SUID
    • handling of default VM arguments

Working Set Mode in Package Explorer (Dani, Martin)

  • test configure dialog to select, rearrange and manage working sets (Package Explorer > view menu > Configure WS)
  • test rearranging order of working sets using DnD
  • test configuring working sets using DnD and Copy/Paste
  • test working sets containg packages, source folders or CUs as elements
  • change content of package & source folder and make sure the package explorer refreshes correctly

Preferences Rework Part I (Markus, Christof)

  • test each and every preference page:
    • test Apply
    • test Restore Defaults
    • test OK
  • verify that shared preferences are used by more than one editor
  • verify that changing shared preferences updates open editors
  • setup a workspace with many open editors (>10 Text plus >10 Java editors) and change a shared preference; verify that it is not much slower than in 3.1 M3
  • layout of text and Java editor pages
  • hyperlinks on Java editor page:
    • cursor & color change on hover
    • focus drawing
    • tooltips
    • pressing the link
    • keyboard selection
  • verify 1/4 of all mnemonics (arrange with others)

Preferences Rework Part II (Erol, Tobias)

  • context menu preference action in Java and text editors:
    • overview ruler
    • vertical ruler
    • editor area
  • Workbench > Editors > All Text Editors > Annotations preference page:
    • highlighting, icons
  • Expandable Sections on Java editor preference pages:
    • main page, content assist page
  • Syntax Coloring page:
    • tree size, colors
  • enable / disable from the ruler context menu and the preference pages:
    • QuickDiff
    • line numbers
    • folding
  • Project specify settings:
    • Code style, Formatter, Organize imports
  • verify 1/4 of all mnemonics (arrange with others)

NLS Tooling (Tobias, Christof)

  • Properties File Editor:
    • test Navigate > Open (F3) to navigate from property key to its references
    • test Ctrl+Click to navigate from property key to its references
    • verify that syntax coloring also works with files that have other extension than *.properties
    • verify that syntax coloring also works with external files
    • test Navigate > Show In
  • Class File Editor:
    • verify that NLS hover works
    • verify that Ctrl+Click on NLS key navigates to Properties File Editor

Spelling (Dirk, Tom)

  • verify in Java editor and Properties File editor:
    • spelling annotations are shown for spelling errors (not in property keys)
    • Quick Fix for spelling errors:
      • change word (if there is a similar correct word)
      • add word to dictionary
      • always ignore word
    • hovers are shown for spelling annotations
    • enable / disable "Ignore sentence capitalization" and verify it works as expected (General > Editors > All Text Editors > Spelling):
  • install the accompanying test spelling engine plug-in and verify:
    • there are 3 spelling engines on the preference page (General > Editors > All Text Editors > Spelling)
    • Interval Engine provides an option
    • enabling one of the additional engines works (check with editor)
    • using invalid values for preferences:
      • disables OK and Apply buttons
      • disallows switching to another spelling engine or preference page
    • unchecking "Enable Spelling" disables the spelling engine's preference block

Description: Zip archive

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