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[jdt-ui-dev] Combined M3 test plan for JDT/UI, JDT/Text, Platform/Search and Platform/Text


enclosed a combined test plan for JDT/Text, JDT/UI, Platform/Search, and

Testing will take place tomorrow (Wednesday, November 03) as stated on the
M3 build schedule.

Feel free to send an email to the list or directly to me if you would like
to join in for this test pass.


(See attached file: M3_Test_Plan.html)
Title: M3 Test Plan

3.1 M3 Test Grid

Test day: Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Components: JDT/Text, JDT/UI, Platform/Search, and Platform/Text
Testers: Martin Aeschlimann, Andre Weinand, Daniel Megert, Markus Keller, Christof Marti, Erol Koc, Tobias Widmer, Tom Eicher and Dirk Baeumer,

Bug verification (all)

Verify P1 and P2 bugs fixed during M3.

Misc (Christof, Erol)

  • test rendering support for var args
    • bar(String... strings)  rendered correctly
    • arrays (e.g. String[]) not rendered as var args

Build Path (Markus, Tom)

  • test new projects build path property page
    • adding of project references
    • removing of project references
  • test new support to include/exclude types from an referenced library. To see corresponding compiler warnings the compiler setting "Access restriction violation" on the compiler's build path page has to be set to warning or error.
    • adding and removing of include and exclude rules
    • editing of include and exclude rules

Refactoring (Christof, Dirk)

  • Pull Up and Push Down
    • removal of unused imports in source type/compilation unit
  • Move instance method:
    • removal of unused imports if types are no longer referenced in source compilation unit
    • support for generating a delegate
      • delegate must be generated if there is a reference from a binary type
    • move of method refering to type parameters (generics):
      • should reject all  methods that have references to generic entities defined outside of the method declaration
      • accepts method with and without type parameters in generic types
  • Move Member Type to New File
    • removal of unused imports in source compilation unit
    • visibility is increased if members of the newly created top level type aren't visible anymore in source type.
    • handles all cases of generic types
      •  inner class is generic
      • declaring outer is generic
      • inner refers to outer type parameters from outer class
    • uses the correct type parameter for the generated instance field to access the former outer type
  • Augment Raw Collection Clients (has to be enabled via the work in progress preference page)
    • test that the element type of collections (maps aren't supported yet) are inferred correctly
    • that unneded casts are removed.
  • Convert anonymous class to nested
    • handles all cases of generic types
      • anonymous is a subclass of an instance of a generic class
      • outer class is generic
      • outer method is generic
      • anonymous refers to type parameter form outer class and/or method

Quick Fix (Dirk, Erol)

  • test serial verion id quick fix (implementation now spawns second VM). Test generating ID for file using 5.0 features.
  • split if statement with and'ed _expression_ (if (a && b) ==> if (a) { if (b) {} }
  • pick out string ( "abc[def]gh" ==> "abc" + "def" + "gh" where [] denotes the selection)

Enumerations (Markus, Tom)

  • test new enum wizard
  • rename of enum constants

Static imports (Christof, Tobias)

  • test that organize import handles existing static imports (note that organize import doesn't add static imports)
  • add import for static fields (methods aren't supported yet). Should add static import.
  • copy/paste of code that refers to static imports
  • rename package where package name is used in static import

Code Formatter (Markus, Tom)

  • multiple selection support for line wrapping
    • test that more than one "language element" can be changed at once
    • test that the correct hint (x of N) elements is rendered for multi selections.

Compare (Daniel, Erol)

  • Structural compare
    • test that structural diff is correct
    • test that enums (reordering doesn't result in a diff) and var args are handle

Text Search (Dirk, Erol)

  • test that both background and foreground searches can be canceled
  • test that out of sync resources are reported correctly (only one reprot for all out of sync resources)

Properties File Editor (Martin, Tobias)

  • syntax coloring
  • hovering hover keys in Java files. Correct value is shown
  • Ctrl+Click and F3 on keys in Java files take you to the properties file
  • font can be controlled via preference settings
  • properties editor is used in compare editor for property files

Java Editor (Andre, Tobias)

  • mark occurrences to indicate method implementations
    • test for super classes and  interfaces.
    • test automatic marking in editor
    • test search action "Implement occurrences"
  • AST provider
    • start Eclipse with -debug and have an .options file in your Eclipse install directory that has at least the following entry: org.eclipse.jdt.ui/debug/ASTProvider=true
    • check the .log for creations of ASTs. AST should only be created in reconcile or on editor switching or when not cached

Platform/Text (Markus, Tom)

  • test remove trailing whitepsace action (note that action isn't visible in UI. Must be bound via a key binding) and convert line delimiter action. Actions work on both text editors and Java editors and can be triggered from package explorer or editor.
  • encoding for external files (
    • open external file and then try to change encoding

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