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[jdt-ui-dev] Build Submission For I20050217-0800

Platform Text:
      85591 [preferences] indexOutOfBoundsException in the Text Editors
preference page on loss of selection
      85500 [find/replace] Find/Replace dialog keeps focus on previous

JDT Text:
      85466 [preferences][wording] Unnecessary ellipsis in group title text
      85495 [projection] adding comments does not produce an folding ...
      85544 [projection] AFE when folding a method after editing multi-line
      85549 [projection] Incorrect folding in CU without terminating
linebreak (Tom)
      85609 [wording] Description for synchronized template is incorrect

      85658 NPE in InferTypeArguments with cast to primitive type
      85327  NPE in OverrideCompletionProposal.updateReplacementString
      85425 AssertionFailure "should never happen" when searching for
generic type
      85371 Imported new classes not in open type dialog


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