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Re: [jdt-ui-dev] Question concerning the reconciler


unfortunatelly, this depend on the refactoring. Some expamples are:

- extract method: only resolved the bindings for the statements to be
extracted plus the once from the method containing the statements
- surround with: same as extract method
- inline: resolves the bindings from all simple name nodes in the CU
- self encapsulate field: resolves the bindings from all simple name nodes
in the CU.

In general you can say that refactoring acting locally only resolve some
bindings. Refactoring that affect more than one CU mostly resolve the
bindings of many elements.

Does the patch have any performance impacts on navigating the bindings. For
example if I receive an ITypeBinding and ask it for all its methods, ....
Given an answer here requires more code inspection.


             Olivier Thomann                                               
   >                                                To 
             Sent by:                  jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx              
             jdt-ui-dev-bounce                                          cc 
                                       [jdt-ui-dev] Question concerning    
             08.04.2005 18:04          the reconciler                      
             Please respond to                                             
              "Eclipse JDT UI                                              
             developers list."                                             


In order to know how I can fix, I'd like to know what
operations are done on the DOM/AST tree once it is returned by the
reconciler. I didn't see a performance test that is specific to the
reconciling of a compilation unit.

The attached patch might end up with slower performance if the bindings
like fields and methods are never requested for the requested units, but if
these bindings are retrieved frequently, the patch won't impact the speed
and it will save memory.

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