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[jdt-ui-dev] JDT UI's submission for I20050616-1200

99395 3.1 RC3 [properties] [dialogs] NPE when viewing jar properties
99503 3.1 RC3 [5.0][enum] overridden method decorators/indicators not s...
99539 3.1 RC3 [5.0] Totally weird java structure comparing of enums
99605 3.1 RC3 [refactoring][refactoring] Move member type to new file d...
99681 3.1 RC3 [refactoring] Convert anonymous creates unnecessary field...
99736 3.1 RC3 [render] Hide non-public members hides public enum consta...
99886 3.1 RC3 [package explorer] Package Explorer focus is not synchron...
99944 3.1 RC3 Quick Fix offers to change type to List<> [quick fix][5.0]
100310 3.1 RC3 [JUnit] Invalid thread access when confirming save dialog...
100389 3.1 RC3 Infer Type Arguments removes too many casts and causes na...

99530 RC3 Mnemonics problems
100243 3.1 RC3 Punctuation error in RC1
99680 3.1 RC3 [refactoring] Generalize Type generates unusable undo men...

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