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[jdt-ui-dev] Testing 3.1 M1

Attached you find the combined test plan for Platform Compare, Platform Text, Platform Search, JDT Text, and  JDT UI.

Title: Fix Pass

Test Pass 3.1 M1

JDT-UI, JDT Text, Platform Compare, Platform Text, and Platform Search


  • Andre
  • Christof
  • Erich
  • Kai
  • Markus
  • Tobias
  • Tom

Features (Andre, Kai, Erich)

  • serial version ID support
  • handling of URLs inside comments
  • semantic highlighting support for deprecations

Java 1.5 Support (Christof, Markus, Tom)

Information about the existing 1.5 support is available on the JDT Core page.

  • Test 1.5 support with existing 1.5 code.
  • Test 1.5 support while writing 1.5 code.
  • focus areas to test on 1.5 and no 1.5 constructs within 1.5 code
    • quick fix
    • type hierarchies
    • find occurrences
    • search
    • refactoring
    • semantic highlighting

Stability (Andre, Kai, Tobias)

JDT UI now runs on the 1.5 enabled core. Testing should provide confidence that this causes no harm for traditional 1.4 programs.

Overall sanity check with the following focus areas

  • quick fix
  • type hierarchies
  • find occurrences
  • search
  • refactoring
  • semantic highlighting
  • find occurrences

Bug verification (Andre, Kai, Tobias)

Verify that all fixed 3.0.1 bugs are also fixed in the build under testing. Verify fixed 3.1 M1 bugs. Please comment bugs when starting verification.

  • Platform Text
  • Platform Search
  • JDT Text
  • JDT UI

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