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  • Re: [dtp-dev] Important: 0.9.1 bug list for Callisto release, (continued)
  • [dtp-dev] BZ154947 (Tolerance specifications for DTP plug-ins), jograham
  • [dtp-dev] JDBC 4.0 and Java 6, rcernich
  • [dtp-dev] Recent Connectivity Changes, rcernich
  • [dtp-dev] DTP 0.9.1 Milestone 1 (M1) build posted, jograham
  • [dtp-dev] DTP 0.9.1 promoted to stable?, Rupesh A Kartha
  • [dtp-dev] editing lpg grammar files, Uwe Voigt
  • [dtp-dev] [Fwd: Improving the IP Approval Process], Anil T Samuel
  • [dtp-dev] RE: Launching - SQL Execution Plan ..., Da-fan . Yang
  • [dtp-dev] Connectivity Features for 0.9.1 and 1.0, rcernich
  • [dtp-dev] reExecuteScript extension point, Raghvendra Saboo
  • [dtp-dev] [Fwd: help with releng.eclipsebuilder], Anil Samuel
  • [dtp-dev] [Fwd: trouble creating updates for plugin], Anil Samuel
  • [dtp-dev] Launching - SQL Execution Plan ..., Vasantha Jayakumar
  • [dtp-dev] Anthony J Ciccone/Silicon Valley/IBM is out of the office., Anthony J Ciccone
  • [dtp-dev] SQLModel API Request, Hui . Cao
  • [dtp-dev] Cannot view data, Dr. Michael Lipp
  • [dtp-dev] about the DTP model change proposal for Catalog, Hemant S Kolwalkar
  • [dtp-dev] Fw: about the DTP model change proposal for Catalog - please read, Der Ping Chou
  • [dtp-dev] Enablement creation review completed successfully, jograham
  • [dtp-dev] Proposed Change to modelbase SQL Model, Der Ping Chou
  • [dtp-dev] NL packs available for DTP 0.9, jograham
  • [dtp-dev] CommonSorter class not invoked for generic folders, Anil T Samuel
  • [dtp-dev] bug#149611 - Database Version is not flexible ..., Anil T Samuel
  • [dtp-dev] DTP 0.9 Released!, jograham
  • [dtp-dev] Overriding icons using labelService extension point, Anil T Samuel
  • [dtp-dev] sqlmodel extension issue, Anil T Samuel
  • [dtp-dev] DTP CVS Branched, jograham

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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