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Re: [dtp-dev] about the DTP model change proposal for Catalog

a more clear model snapshot

Hemant S Kolwalkar/Redmond/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: dtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

07/18/2006 04:14 PM

Please respond to
DTP development mailing list <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[dtp-dev] about the DTP model change proposal for Catalog

Agreed that DTP 0.9 does not allow saving models to workspace. But there are

existing projects & commercial products based on WTP and which allow the saving
of models to workspace. Facilitating migration effort will provide incentive
to these projects/products to move on from WTP to DTP at the earliest.

Not all use-cases can be addressed through model regeneration by re-connecting to

the database. There could be pre-existing design time models in the workspace or
in a repository. The migration effort I mentioned includes the effort needed to write

and test a script to migrate these existing models.

It is also important we consider how we will support/represent in the database explorer

those databases which do not support the concept of a catalog. This also affects the
migration of existing model resource, which would not have catalog data persisted.

To address that, the most simplistis solution would be a model change as follows:

Database ------  Schema ----- Table

|                |

|                |

Catalog ------------

At runtime, we can use the metadata available in vendor docs to determing if a specific

vendor/version supports catalogs.

This solution would not only mitigate the churn in the catalog loader code mentioned before

but would also address the model resource migration issue.


- Hemant
dtp-dev mailing list

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