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Re: [dtp-dev] Re: about the DTP model change proposal for Catalog


i have also mentioned the goal is to support the modelling of both types of vendor databases: those who support multiple catalog concept and those who do not. the idea of being compelled to create a dummy catalog in the latter case is not very appealing.

i understand your concern about model navigation. but as long as we document the model change properly. we can also abstract some
of the navigation wherever possible. for example, the convenience method DatabaseHelper.findSchema()you mentioned.
agreed, today it ignores catalog namespacing and returns the first schema which matches the input string.

with the model change, we have two options.

1) if we still want to keep this behavior, we can look up to see if catalogs are present and if so, enumerate through contained schemas of each catalog
 till a match occurs. else, we can enumerate schemas as we do today.

2) we can deprecate this method and introduce a similar new method which takes Catalog as an additional parameter. in the method, if Catalog parameter
is not null, we enumerate its contained schema till a match occurs. else, we can look up to see if catalogs are present and if so, enumerate through
contained schemas of each catalog till a match occurs. if catalogs are absent, we can enumerate schemas as we do today

the SQL standard will always serve as our guideline to build the model. but from our experience, there are situations where the SQL standard can be
quite vague. in such cases, we have had sometimes to make a call based on what is best to provide optimal support to the end consumer. a simple
example is the Index for which we could find no mention in the standard. but since the Index is a major element in database systems and is supported
by almost all major vendors, we decided to include it in the model.


- Hemant

Sent by: dtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

07/27/2006 08:34 AM

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DTP development mailing list <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [dtp-dev] Re: about the DTP model change proposal for Catalog

> I think that Hemant's most recent proposa is reasonable. (That is,
> have a link to Schema from both Database and Catalog.)  DB's that
> have catalogs will use the Catalog object, and DB's that don't can
> omit it and have Schemas attached to Database directly.  The link
> from Database to Schema is a reaonable "extension" to the ISO SQL
> model. If wouldn't be that difficult for a tool that needs to work
> with both types to check whether a particular Database has Schema
> objects linked to it.

I really think it is a bad idea to inject things into the model purely for
migration purposes, especially given that the effort has not been
quantified and that proposals have been made which would ease this effort.

Hemant's main reason for objecting to the previously agreed upon proposal
is because of migration effort, specifically regarding migration of
persisted model instances.  However, he has failed to quantify this effort
in relation to the effort required to simply migrate to the existing,
unaltered model in DTP.  When evaluating the proposed changes, he simply
modified the model within WTP.  I'm curious as to whether or not he tried
loading these persisted model instances using DTP.

I know I'm probably starting to sound like a broken record, but I really
can't believe that the level of effort required to migrate to the original
proposal is significantly greater than simply migrating to DTP, especially
given that we have come up with a number of approaches that would simplify
this effort (as I've stated previously, it took me less than two hours each
to migrate the generic JDBC and Derby implementations).

I also think this is a bad precedent to set.  By injecting inconsistencies
into the model (I would classify multiple paths for navigating to objects
an inconsistency), we diminish the usefulness of the base model.  If we
decide to go ahead with this change, all framework code will need to be
aware of it.  My worry is that this could cause components further down the
stack to create their own APIs or extension points for accessing or working
with DB objects (because there is no standard, consistent API).

Just my two cents.


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