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Re: [dtp-dev] Overriding icons using labelService extension point

The icon location is specified as "icons/view.png" which doesn't exist when the plug-in is deployed because the deployed plug-in is a single file called oracle.dbtools.connectivity_1.0.0.jar.  In order to get Eclipse to look for the icons inside the jar file you must specify the icon location as:

iconLocation = "platform:/plugin/oracle.dbtools.connectivity/icons/dbconn.png"

Larry Dunnell
Internet address: ledunnel@xxxxxxxxxx

Anil T Samuel <anil.samuel@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: dtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

07/03/2006 06:21 PM

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DTP development mailing list <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

DTP development mailing list <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [dtp-dev] Overriding icons using labelService extension point

Thanks Larry.

But now I am hit with another hiccup.

I have an icons directory in the plugin jar with PNG images for DSE
icons and I have them spec'd in the plugin.xml. It works fine when I run
test the plugin within the Eclipse IDE; but fails when run standalone
with following exception in the org.eclipse.ui.workbench/log file.

Caused by: file:/home/anthos/projects/opensource/eclipse-platform/plugins/oracle.dbtools.connectivity_1.0.0.jar!/icons/dbconn.png (No such file or directory)
                at Method)
                at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Compatibility.newFileInputStream(
                ... 67 more

The icons in jar file :-
[anthos@bilbo opensource]$ jar -tvf
| grep icons
    0 Tue Jul 04 10:45:20 EST 2006 icons/
  857 Tue Jul 04 10:45:20 EST 2006 icons/dbconn.png
  779 Tue Jul 04 10:45:20 EST 2006 icons/plsql_package.png
  734 Tue Jul 04 10:45:20 EST 2006 icons/view.png

extension point in plugin.xml:-
  <extension point =
                       type =
                       iconLocation = "icons/view.png"
                       displayType = "MaterializedView">
                       type = "oracle.dbtools.modelbase.db.DatabaseLink"
                       iconLocation = "icons/dbconn.png"
                       displayType = "DatabaseLink">
                       type =
                       iconLocation = "icons/view.png"
                       displayType = "View">
                       type = "oracle.dbtools.modelbase.db.OraPackage"
                       iconLocation = "icons/plsql_package.png"
                       displayType = "Package">

Any clue ?

Lawrence E Dunnell wrote:
> Sorry for the late reply.
> The key to getting your icon to show is to specify the "selector"
> attribute in the labelService extension point.  The class you specify
> in the "selector" attribute can specify whether of not the object in
> question should use the "overriding" icon.
> The selector class implements the
> org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.sqm.core.internal.ui.LabelSelector
> interface.  If provided, this class will be used in addition to the
> type to determine if the label information should be passed back for
> the given object.
> *public* *interface* LabelSelector
> {
>     *public* *boolean* select( Object element );
> }
> I will add this information to the defect and resolve it.
> Larry Dunnell
> Internet address: ledunnel@xxxxxxxxxx
> *Anil T Samuel <anil.samuel@xxxxxxxxxx>*
> Sent by: dtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> 07/02/2006 05:36 PM
> Please respond to
> DTP development mailing list <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To
>                  DTP development mailing list <dtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> cc
> Subject
>                  Re: [dtp-dev] Overriding icons using labelService extension point
> Bug logged.. _Go To Bug 149420_
> <>
> Anthos
> Anil T Samuel wrote:
> Hi
> The following xml snippet to over-ride the default icon with vendor
> specific one doesnot seem to work. I am using the same type
> (org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.tables.ViewTable) as the one used
> for View in org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.sqm.core.ui package.
>   <extension point =
> "org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.sqm.core.ui.labelService">
>                                  <contributor
>                         type =
> "org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.tables.ViewTable"
>                         iconLocation = "icons/view.gif"
>                         displayType = "View">
>                </contributor>
>  </extension>
> Same was the result when I tried OracleView->ViewTable as the type.
> I shall log this as a bug, if it is one.
> Anthos
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