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  • Re: [che-dev] Dashboard Next insight, (continued)
  • [che-dev] Reminder Community Call today (March 23rd, 2020), Sun Tan
  • [che-dev] dashboard and workspace loader, Sergii Kabashniuk
  • [che-dev] Status of E2E tests check of Eclipse Che / Che-Theia repos PR, Dmytro Nochevnov
  • [che-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Tibor Dancs on Eclipse Che, emo
  • [che-dev] FYI new Che milestones added in GH, Nick Boldt
  • [che-dev] Reminder Community Call today (March 16th, 2020), Sun Tan
  • [che-dev] Committer Election for Tibor Dancs on Eclipse Che has started, emo
  • [che-dev] Tooling configuration mechanism for air-gap, etc., Thomas Mäder
  • [che-dev] Reminder Community Call today (March 9th, 2020), Sun Tan
  • [che-dev] Set tlsSupport flag to true by default for operator installer, Mykola Morhun
  • [che-dev] Reminder Community Call today (March 2nd, 2020), Sun Tan
  • [che-dev] TLS by default in Helm installer, Mykola Morhun
  • [che-dev] Article request for JAXenter, Sopot Cela
  • [che-dev] Outdated tags for che-related images, Vladyslav Zhukovskyi
  • [che-dev] ACTION REQUIRED :: Milestone maintenance / 6 issues not closed in 7.6.0, Nick Boldt
  • [che-dev] Google Summer of Code - GSoC 2020, Sun Tan
  • [che-dev] Reminder Community Call today (February 24th, 2020), Sun Tan
  • [che-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Flavius Lacatusu on Eclipse Che, emo
  • [che-dev] Single user mode broken, Lukas Krejci
  • [che-dev] Committer Election for Flavius Lacatusu on Eclipse Che has started, emo
  • [che-dev] Reminder Community Call today (February 17th, 2020), Sun Tan
  • [che-dev] QE jobs migrated to, Radim Hopp
  • [che-dev] What's new in Che 7.9? ACTION REQUIRED - help identify your hard work!, Nick Boldt
  • [che-dev] Upcoming Che 7.9 release next week :: a faster, more parallel release process, Nick Boldt
  • [che-dev] Stale branches in che repos :: ACTION REQUIRED :: please take out your trash :D, Nick Boldt

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